Filament break between hotend and extruder when unloading filament

Hey all, I am running a rapido 2 UHF with an orbiter 2 and I consistently run into an issue when I unload filament there is always some filament that breaks off or otherwise remains in the bowden tube between the extruder and hotend. This happens almost every time I need to change filament and requires I detach the extruder to clear the block before feeding the new filament. Has anyone else ran into this issue with this hotend/extruder combo and found a solution? I should also mention I am running eva 3 with no modifications in this area. P.S. I run the filament unload command in ratos to retract the filament.
6 Replies
cgrr10mo ago
Possibly your load and unload hotend temperature is not enough would be my first guess.
Vitamin G
Vitamin GOP10mo ago
Hmmm you maybe on to something. I'll have to mess around with it to see if that helps. Thanks!
cgrr10mo ago
No worries. Unfortunately my answer was based on past experience.
Vitamin G
Vitamin GOP10mo ago
You were spot on. I've done a few filament changes now no problem. I've been manually setting the temp before using the unload and reload macro to better fit the filament being used
cgrr10mo ago
I am glad my guess was correct, you should mark this solved.
Vitamin G
Vitamin GOP10mo ago
done 👍

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