Weird error messages

I keep getting this error message. Can someone help? I think these messages pop up thousands of times during a print. See photo for error.
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4 Replies
TheTik12mo ago
It's something in the code from the slicer I believe, on phone so can't look up what setting it is
[exclude_object] does not appear to work - Rat Rig Community [Unoff...
[exclude_object] has (mostly) saved many prints since I started using it on my other printers, but I can’t seem to enable it in RatOS on the V-Minion. I have set it up the same as on both other non-RatRig printers where it works fine. I added [exclude_object] to the printer.cfg and enable_object_processing: True under [file_manager] in mainsail....
nathanjennyOP12mo ago
That fixed it! Just unchecked the box! Thank you again!

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