I can’t PROBE_CALIBRATE. Clicking +0.1 results in the printer going down and back up by 0.1.

I can click that button until the cows come home but the bed will not get closer to the nozzle. The bed moves but immediately undoes the same move. The dashboard will reflect an overall change in Z so the “undo” so it seems position does get out of sync. If I use the 1mm button then the bed will get closer (or farther away) from the nozzle but I still see a 0.1mm reverse movement which should not happen IMO. I did this countless times easily on my last core so I’m not new to this command, but the UI is new, I just used TESTZ before. Video shows me clicking 0.1mm once, the nozzle goes up and then down and rests at the original position. I've already done homing, ztilt, belt and input shaping graphs with no motion issues so I don't believe it's a wiring/controller issue.
Probe_calibrate does not work properly
The Z axis moves up and back down during this process to eliminate backlash. It’s not possible to visibly see a .01mm move, so it’s likely that it’s working as expected. The micro adjustments are meant to be done with a piece of paper under the nozzle so you can feel the nozzle grabbing the paper as it gets closer to the build plate.
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3 Replies
guru-floridaOP12mo ago
My probe config as exported from klipper.log. I don't see anything else relevant in the config. [probe] pin = ^toolboard:probe_pin x_offset = -27.8 y_offset = -12 speed = 15 samples = 2 sample_retract_dist = 5 lift_speed = 15.0 samples_result = median samples_tolerance = 0.02 samples_tolerance_retries = 5 z_offset = 0.0
Probe_calibrate does not work properly
The Z axis moves up and back down during this process to eliminate backlash. It’s not possible to visibly see a .01mm move, so it’s likely that it’s working as expected. The micro adjustments are meant to be done with a piece of paper under the nozzle so you can feel the nozzle grabbing the paper as it gets closer to the build plate.
guru-floridaOP12mo ago
Thanks for the git link! ...but what!?!? lol. How can I make small adjustments then? If it was for backlash compensation, wouldn't it go up a bit then down but still settle 0.1mm lower? In my case, the Z kinematic position gets out of sync so it seems illogical. oh wait...I do see it moving ever so slightly. So never-mind, I guess the cows came home 😂

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