VC4 Octopus PRO 446 and Y endstop problem (board enters protection)
Hello, If I have the Y endstop plugged the board enters in a protected mode with power led intermitent and bipping. I found that unplugging the Y endstop it boot without error.
I tryed another endstop and same problem.
I have X X1 (left right) with 5160 stepper 24V, Y Y1 with 5160 48V (no belts for now), Z Z1 Z2 2209 pluged and working.
I saw that
endstop_pin: PG9
repeated. I'm not using sensorless.
25 Replies
On the configurator do you have the machine set to coreXY or Hybrid?
Hi Márcio
if you have the Y belts off, configure the machine for CoreXY for the first belt tests
after connecting the Y belts change the config to Hybrid
that may be something on your side. I just checked the files and they are correct.
where did you find this?
endstop_pin: PG9
On RatOS.cfg?
RatOS file
As soon as I completed the configuration for the drivers the board shutted down and was blinking power
also, check the endstop wires on both ends. incorrect wire order may cause a short circuit on the board and can either blow it or make it not boot.
Y endstop is triggered without plugging
that is normal. A unplugged endstop will always show triggered...
I bet on the wires 😉
I checked with multimeter for shorts and none
is your kit from RR or self sourced?
I tryed another endstop stop same
Yeah VC4 kit all from RR
I have 2 more RR endstop, the new ones I tryed
endstop wires should be like this

Before configuration the printer was ok
Yeah it’s the same color scheme
check other endstop...
I'm using a Pro 446 but with Sensorless Y (IDEX)

Now I’m looking the endstop side seems inverted
yes it is...
half a turn 😉
you are connecting 5V to the signal pin
That’s the cable from RR 😅
old stock...
Damn I remember that problem with VC3

yep... there is why the warning is there 😛
I looked on endstop but reversed
That’s why I saw it was “fine”
me too 😛
I’ll try that and and I tell you. It’s hard to remove jst pins😂
Works no more shorts!