"Shutdown due to webhooks request?"
Just got my machine turned on, got everything updated, but I keep getting this message and I don't know what it means.

49 Replies
Also, my fans are blowing at full blast, despite my settings saying they're both at 0%.
That is a safety precaution in the event that the MCU disconnects from klipper
Have you tried restarting your pi?
Yeah, I've already done that. The board, too.
Upload your klipper and moonraker logs
this means somebody is hitting the emergency stop button
(the red icon that is highlighted in your screenshot)
b'Got EOF when reading from device' Timeout with MCU 'mcu' (eventtime=1496.373077) Transition to shutdown state: Lost communication with MCU 'mcu'Looks like your board is losing connection
With the WiFi or the R Pi?
MCU - probably a octopus board or something like that
Your pi is losing connection to the board that controls all the parts of your printer
Alright. Let's try a different port.
I tried switching ports and cords. Neither helped.
I see
Received 252.477730: b'{"id": 547904652240, "method": "emergency_stop", "params": {}}'
this usually happens when you press:
Do you have a screen or something attached? Maybe it is sending the emergency stop signal?
No, no screens attached. No emergency stop button, either.
Well, something is sending this message to klipper. Maybe something else on your network?
I installed the 64 version of RatOS. Could that be doing it? Should I use the 32 version?
what pi version do you have? 3b? 4?
4b, I believe.
and how much memory?
Not sure. I'm assuming 4gb.
the machine tab will tell you
Load: 0, Mem: 487.6 MB / 3.6 GB,
is what mine saysOkay, mine has 7.5.
then 64 bit is fine and is recommended
Would 64 be fine for a 4gb version?
So... I'm checking over my board. There doesn't seem to be anything plugged in wrong.
Don't tell me my board could be damaged...
Can you post pictures of your wiring?

I've triple checked all the load/neutral wires from the power supply to the board.
Full disclosure, my first attempt at wiring it was wrong. I had the load from the switch plugged into the ssd converter, and- the circuit wasn't complete. Nothing went anywhere.
What about the wiring to your pi? How is it being powered?
USB-C to a CanaKit power supply and switch. It's connected to the board with a USB-C.
If you disconnect everything from the octopus do you still get the webhook error?
Uh, haven't tried that yet.
Okay, I unplugged everything except the stepper drivers, and I got this result.

And there's the log files.
Good, plug back in the thermistors.
Oh, my God, I'm an idiot. I know what I was doing wrong.
I thought it was an "alert" notification...
I was hitting the emergency stop button on screen. I am so ashamed.
And apparently I'm not the only one to do that, because this other forum I looked up, someone was doing the exact same thing! XD
Now for the real problem. 4028 part cooling fan still blowing at full blast. How do I make it stop?
... It's inverted. The values, for some reason, are inverted.
100% means shut off, 0% is full blast.
Connecting a 4028 fan | RatOS
4028 server fans are becoming a popular option for part cooling because of their light weight and great pressure and flow rates. In this guide we'll go over how to connect one and use it for part cooling. 4-pin fans usually aren't used in 3d printers, and many boards only provide 2-pin ports, but fear not! There's always a way.
Can I edit the settings without taking the SD card back to desktop and reconfiguring it?
Also, in the 4028 wiring diagram, I see where it says to place a jumper in green, but does that mean I should leave all the other visible jumpers in place?
Yeah, edit the printer.cfg in the mainsail interface
If there isn't a green box on top of the jumper remove it
Got it.
What would be causing things to be working backwards? The Z axis is inverted, as is the extruder. Extrude goes up, and retract extrudes.
Just reverse them in the config. It is normal that it could be wired "backwards", that why you can reverse them in the config
How do I activate this? Every time I do, I get an error.

You uncomment line 255, 256 and whatever line from 257 to 260 that corresponds to your printer.