Vc4 500 hybrid 0.6mm nozzle
It's not pretty so what would people say I need to work on as said printed on vc4 hybrid 500 with a 0.6 nozzle in pla temp flow and pa tuned supposedly
44 Replies
Have you configured your input shaper after running a shaper graph?
have you done flow rate test/ measured filament diameter? looks like some underextrusion in places also maybe needs some more fan since it is such a small model the layer times are too short and the heat will build up
the cab/upper parts looks decent once the min layer time kicked in and either slowed it down or ramped the fans up... also in filament settings->advanced I always set a max flow rate so the slicer doesn't try to push too much filament... start at 20mm3 and increase from there. .. also the temp tower is a fairly slow print, once you are printing faster you need to turn up the temp to suit the speed since the core of the filament takes longer to heat up ... this is where CHT nozzles help
yes this was supposedly optimised for flow and temp
more cooling caused issues with layer adhesion
How did you tune the PA?
and what value is it at? Those gaps look kinda like a PA problem. the gaps between infill and the corners
Used the built in macro 0.075
My PLA PA is usually around 0.02-0.03 with a 0.6mm nozzle.
a bit higher with a 0.4mm nozzle
I'll recalibrate everything today and report back
did you put PA in you slicer? it will overwrtie ratos values
Yes so I found yesterday the 230 was in the end too hot so knocked that down to 222 and pa is not at 0.02, I have run a benchy over night that I'll go grab off the bed soon but I was still getting some odd extrusion artifacts will show soon
Still getting gaps at corners and between extrusion lines and Also top surfaces
And that weirdli e in the hull
so same PA as last benchy, only change is lower temp?
No last was 0.07
This was 0.02
Did orca pattern for pa this time but tbh it was hard to tell as something is definitely up with my extrusion
Flow was also significantly decreased on most recent one
yeah its a bit odd. did you do estpes and flow? did you have to change esteps from default?
like you decreased it in the slicer?
I've not done esteps
I guess I probably should
doubt it'll fix it but worth atleast checking. quick enough
The zseam is ugly as well
retraction at default?
like 0.6?
Thunk default is 0.5?
I've moved over to scarf seams
makes those round seams 10000x nicer.
I do with my other printers but want to get basics down first
fair enough
Before I start trying to tune scarfs
Especially as pla is just for kicks on this
And will be moving to pet cf and other materials soon
Wondering if I might have my extrusion gear tension a bit high as well
what is your flow in orca?
did you calibrate that at 230 or at 222? that seems pretty low to me as well
My PLAs usually land around 0.95, but I also don't usually go over 220 unless I'm going real fast lol
I imagine having a temp that's too high might skew the flow calibration to some degree
towards the lower end
and was that the orca built in flow calibration?
Yes first and second pass
But if esteps are out I'll e doi g ti again I guess
Might even try dropping the temp to like 219
Interesting, wonder why it's so low.
Maybe my esteps are messed up
Will check soon
Esteps were a bit out re running other tests now
is your filament sliding thorugh the tubes well? might want to try w/o a tube or a short one just to rule that out
Yer good enough I already straightened the path alot
Getting there
What retraction are people running as my retraction tower was super hard to read
Pretty good for a 0.6 nozzle bench imo...
I'm using 0.5 but I haven't spent any time tuning it.
I bet that stringing goes away if you drop the temp even more
There was some discussion about a run of rapido that had an inaccuracy in the thermistor and would have to run a bit colder (I think). Maybe hotter I forget... It was the rapido with the detachable thermistor.
erm i do get like 1-2 degrees fluctuation whilst print sometimes even after pid
the filamant may also be a bet damp
i turned the retraction way down however what is your value
Yer had mine at like 0.13 may e I put it back up
Shouldn't matter a ton if the other stuff is tuned well
Do you mean this rapido where the terminator was screwed in ?
yes. I believe the "newer" versions revert back to the thermistor that is slid into the heater block and clamped in
not sure if linking the voron discord is okay here but there's a bit of discussion on it. there's even a potential RMA avaialble from phaetus but I'm not sure what the process is for the ratrig ordered rapidos.
I haven't really noticed and drastic (>15C) difference between my hot ends so I don't know how widespread the issue is.
I’m running to some issues as well
0.6 nozzle, PLA
I found that running 230, 20mm/s max volumetric and 60% cooling helped, as well as 10s layer time for max
I’d be happy to know your settings as well so I can address the issue @Skye
Mine definitely does fluctuate
Just making some tweaks will share soon