Raspberry pad 5 - black screen CM4
I've tried following the instructions as best as possible to replace my Pi3b with a cm4 in a raspberry pad 5 I bought a year ago with a BTT CB1 8 didn't realise wouldn't work with a pi image at the time.
I've tried flashing the Sd card with the Rat OS image, but the screen is just black.
I accidentally bought the non WiFi CM4 and not sure if I need to connect the raspberry pad to my router via network cable to access the pi to make changes to get the screen on, any help would be massively appreciated #help #cm4 #rapberrypad5
1 Reply
From my understanding, you often have to mess with the overlays to get a particular screen to work with klipperscreen. In order to do that, yes you have to log into your pi (or in this case the pad5). And it sounds like the only way to do that would be to attach a ethernet cable