V-Core 4 300 - Do I need to work on my gantry more?

V-Core 4 300, using Beacon. I've got the range down to 0.199, and my last run for Beacon measure gantry twist showed 25.5, no compensation needed. But, as of earlier this morning, I was still having issues with my squish being inconsistent. It will be fine at the front, then grinding into the print bed at the back. I am about to run another test after messing with it for some time today to see.
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32 Replies
Bagellord•3d ago
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Bagellord•3d ago
Okay, it claims I have low gantry twist and do not need compensation
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chicken•3d ago
It does not look like you ran z-tilt before you ran the height map. The two front corners are not aligned. I suspect your bed is even flatter. Run home, z-tilt and then redo your heightmap
Bagellord•3d ago
My procedure is Home All, Z tilt, Home Z, then take a mesh Is that not correct? Also, that second image is has the rear of the printer on the left and the front of the printer on the right - basically a side view, not head on
chicken•3d ago
that is the right procedure but its hard to tell from your pictures if you are rotating the images. Can you post a new picture that is not rotated?
Bagellord•3d ago
What angle is best for this? I am running a mesh right now
Bagellord•3d ago
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Bagellord•3d ago
Here's the most recent mesh
chicken•3d ago
its within range of being good. The thought is 0.1% of the bedsize is considered fine, so for you that would be 0.3mm. You can probably clean up that back corner but raising the foot up a turn or two then re doing z-tilt. The frames on these printers are so big they twist slightly on uneven surfaces and that can translate into your heightmap. If its low (blue) turn the screw on the foot out a turn or two and remeasure. You should see a difference. Make sure the nut on the feet is right against the frame when you are dont otherwise you can have some shaking there in your later tests. You can also try looseing the frame and adjusting it like the instructions but the feet seemed to have worked fine for me.
Bagellord•3d ago
I had not thought about needing to adjust the feet. I will try that. I've been messing with the gantry and pulled up on the X beam a bit, which got it down. I've just been getting some inconsistent Z with the back of the plate being closer than the front
chicken•3d ago
klipper can deal with really messed up beds. <1mm even. The issue is the heightmap changing between the time you take it and the time you try printing. What bed temp are you trying to print at and is the printer enclosed. You really need to let printers this large warm up a little or even more if its a higher bed temp. 300mm machine will need less warm up than a 500mm machine.
chicken•3d ago
thats what my vc4 500 looks like warmed up and it will print. Just takes time to get there unfortunately and during that time its hit or miss if it will print correctly depending on where in the bed I am printing.
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Bagellord•3d ago
Right now I am doing PLA with a 65 degree bed, it's enclosed
chicken•3d ago
have you tried warming up the printer for 10-20 minutes and see if the prints are good from there? I would recommend homing the printer so its at 150,150 centered and then move the Z down to like 2mm. Then preheat your bed to 65c and let it sit there for 20 minutes. I assume you have the front door off while printing PLA? If not that is something else you can try. I bet you can get your bed in that corner better with a little more work but the problem you are chasing is due to the printer warming up and flexing a little and only preheating helps that
Bagellord•3d ago
Usually I put the door on, and leave the top popped open I wouldn't chase it if I wasn't suspecting issues is the problem, because i'll have perfect squish at the front and then it's too close at the back, even with a mesh. So it leads me to believe something isn't flat or aligned properly
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