rpi don’t start on the same time

I have problem with my rpi. Vcore 3.1, Skrat 1.0, ebb42, On video you can see that skrat and rpi have power on the same time and rpi have just red light. Green don’t turn on. I must take off usb cabel and then rpi starts. Where is problem? I have tried powred rpi from motherboard and now from dc-dc and allways is the same problem
10 Replies
Steve2y ago
Hi, just a wild guess. Does the skrat have a jumper "powered by usb" and it is enabled? Maybe it draws to much power at start.
zybidkOP2y ago
I have Powered rpi from dc/dc converter direct from power supply. Skrat have jumper but i have take out all not needed jumpers. I have changed cabel rpi<->skrat 3x and it’s the same.
Steve2y ago
Does the pi boot normal when power is connected without the controller connected? Did you try with the controller connected and a monitor connected? Maybe it shows an error. Or maybe the pi does try to boot from USB with the controller connected, so try to change that to SD?
zybidkOP2y ago
When i take usb cabel and turnon all. Then pi boot normal. I don’t have ekstra monitor. All go from computer ratos.local. How can i change to SD?
zybidkOP2y ago
@steve4363 I have found somthing like that. Can this help to finde where is problem?
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Steve2y ago
Hi, hard to tell what's happening with it connected without a monitor connected. But here is how you can check/set the boot order https://linuxhint.com/change-boot-option-raspberry-pi/
How to Change Boot Order on Raspberry Pi
The Raspberry Pi can be booted through SD card, USB, and network. This article presents step-by-step guidelines to change the boot order on Raspberry Pi.
zybidkOP2y ago
I have connected monitor to rpi. And nothing happend. Monitor are black and nothing changes. When i take off one usb kabel (skrat) then all start without problem. I make new instalation and flash one more time board and ebb42
ptegler2y ago
sounds like a bad cable (or what ever is attached at the other end). The RPi USB bus can have too much power being drawn from it which will shut down communications to all usb ports, and worst case could overload the power supply enough to stop it from booting up.
Ryan.Tech4mo ago
@zybidk - did you solve this issue? I am having the same issue with my SKRAT and rpi. I am trying to power the Pi from the SKRat and get no activity unless I pull the USB from the board, if I plug it back in and restart the firmware then I start getting low power warnings.
zybidkOP4mo ago
@Ryan.Tech No i don’t. First I have Think problem was ratos 2.0, but now I have ratos2.1 and problem are still so i turning on first rpi, waiting 5s and turning on printer. I power my rpi with power supplie

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