how to transfer 32bit to 64bit ratos
i want to know if there is a way to transfer my 32bit ratos settings and stuff to 64bit because i now have a Raspberry pi 4, thansk in advance🙃
28 Replies
The 64 bit provides very little extra - just stick with the 32 bit version
wise-whiteOP•2y ago
but can i enable 64bit?
because i dont want to waste the extra ram and processing power
you aren't wasting it. You still get all your memory, you just can't allocate more than 4g to any one process.
wise-whiteOP•2y ago
so it isnt possible?
your printer.cfg file does not rely on 32 bit or 64 bit. If you are talking about something else, you will have to be more specific than "and stuff".
wise-whiteOP•2y ago
i really just wanna know if the ratos software its self has a 32bit and 64bit version or if its just the "pi (config.txt)"
ratos is just prepacked klipper, mainsail, etc ( There is a 64 bit version you can download, but it really doesn't offer much difference as I think it is just the base OS that is 64 bit.
wise-whiteOP•2y ago
yeah but you can enable 64bit in the PI's own config file.
thats why i asked if there was two version of the (klipper,mainsail,etc bundle) is the difference
from the 32 bit version
wise-whiteOP•2y ago
looks like there all in the 32bit one soo maybe if i enable 64bit manually
python runs the whole show. the 64 bit is faster, IF you have more than 4G of ram in yor RPi
then the 64 bit op sys has an advantage, albeit not really that much, for what Klipper is doing
Only was to get all the right libraries and etc all loaded and have klipper call everything correctly with minimal fixes on your part, is a fresh install of the operating system then reinstall RatOS
wise-whiteOP•2y ago
can i just do a fresh install and then copy my printer.cfg to the new one?
printer.cfg stuff does not change. Only when changing versions of RatOS
>90% (+?) of all the files for RatOS, as well as their config should not be affected by going to 64 bit version of the RPi operating system.
wise-whiteOP•2y ago
so it might be possable
is. BTDT
wise-whiteOP•2y ago
no might, IS... possible. I've Been There, Done That
wise-whiteOP•2y ago
so you changed from 32 to 64bit?
wise-whiteOP•2y ago
wise-whiteOP•2y ago
yah but just copy the ratos files?
or somthing else?
as originally stated...then again just linked....
".... Only was to get all the right libraries and etc all loaded and have klipper call everything correctly with minimal fixes on your part, is a fresh install of the operating system then reinstall RatOS....
wise-whiteOP•2y ago
yeah get that part i just want to know how i would transfer the settings
to your previous your own words...****
wise-whiteOP•2y ago
ok thanks for the help:)
This is legacy and doesn't do anything anymore. All it did before a native 64-bit version existed was run the kernel in 64-bit, userland was still 32-bit. Also 64-bit isn't faster. It uses a lot more memory though. There is zero benefit for 3d printing.
When people say "64-bit is faster", they're telling a half truth, it's only faster if a process needs access to more than 4gb memory. On a 32-bit system that process would have to read more from disk, where the 64-bit wouldn't. In all other cases, there's is zero difference in performance.
No single process in RatOS needs 4gb of memory.
In fact, RatOS even runs on 512mb of memory.
TLDR; stick to 32-bit.
Glad I didn't misquote the master with what I stated! 🙂 'Python' will run faster, but 'Klipper' really isn't/doesn't need or use it.