toolhead variable_standby on print start T1 toolchange does not wait for T0
Just found out that when I use variable_standby for both T0 and T1 and variable_toolchange_standby_temp and start the print with T1, then ratos does not wait on toolchange for the heatup of T0 but throws the min_extrude_temp error (bot at the same second):
5 Replies
please share the gcode fle
try to turn on the standbay feature when the first layer has started
there is porbably a bug in the START_PRINT macro
but changing it midprints works
just switched the spools and sliced with T0 start and it works fine. currently both are busy. how can I do it through the console? toolchange_standby_temp = 150?
no, you use the TOOLSHIFT_CONFIG macro