[Overhang issues(?)] What's causing this? The distance from the nozzle to the bed is spot on.
V-Minion. Layer height 0.15m, Solid layers Top-7/Bottom-7, Extrusion width 0.4mm, Extrusion multiplier 0.95, Nozzle temp 200°C, Bed temp 65°C, Cooling on max, Material PLA.

23 Replies
Not enough cooling, you can see the plastic at the tip of the boat is not solid, when the nozzle runs over it, it pushes everything down.
This is the stock fan that came with the V-Minion. All other settings are default. Should I switch to a different one?
I don't know anyting about the minion, sorry. Maybe it could also be the large heater block negatively affecting partcooling? Not sure.
Ah, alright.
But do you personally think a problem like this can be avoided with a stronger fan?
I agree with @RRBender on the not enough cooling and also on the "V6 heatblock is probably acting as a barrier for cooling" You could check by halving the speeds. If the half-speed works then consider adding a second 5015 fan; IIRC EVA has a rear piece for that.
Got it, thanks.
I have a quick question about the fans in ratos.
The ''fan'' is the 5015, and the ''Toolhead Cooling Fan'' is the 4020 fan right?

Because when I set the ''fan'' to any percent, the 5015 is still off.
oh boi
"Fan" should be your print-cooling fan, so 5015
so if it does not turn at all when "Fan" is turned on then there's an error either in config or the fan is dead
Heh, guess we solved the issue then
but the good news it that this explains your cooling issues really well 🙂
Yeah 😄 Thanks a bunch, you and @RRBender are lifesavers.
check if any fan starts turning when you turn on the "Fan" and if it does then swap the connectors on board 🙂
Or better yet check if all connectors are located at the correct pin according to config pinout
Do you know how to check if the connectors are in correct pins?
There's a wiring diagram online no?
the second level is checking config pins directly to pinout diagram. What's your board?
This one

These are the fan settings in my config

Printer config: /config/RatOS/boards/btt-skrat-10/config.cfg -> fan_part_cooling_pin=PD15
together with
https://github.com/bigtreetech/SKRat/tree/master/Hardware BTT_SKRat_V1.0_PIN.pdf
tells you the exact location where the fan should be connected.
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I assume this is done correctly and you'll see the same in the wiring diagram and your fan is simply kaput but it is better to check.
Got it. Don't need to change any settings then?
If it's in that location and you did not change the fan config pin in printer cfg then you should be fine and the fan or wiring is most likely dead
Yep, the fan is no good. Which is the best one to get since I'm already in the market for a new one? Should I just get a cheap one from Aliexpress?
Gdstime are good Ali option. Not sure if hydraulic is enough or ball bearing