Both toolheads require Z-probe for IDEX?

so im converting a very modded Ender to be and IDEX machine running RATOS, now one question I have is are both toolheads required to have a Z-probe for RATOS? Are there any other things I need to consider?
3 Replies
MDFPereira2w ago
the z_probe_offset sensor is there exactly to calculate the vertical offset between both toolheads. This is the one mounted in the rear Z arm. As far as bed probe, only 1 (left) printhead needs a probe. The z_probe_offset sensor will take care of the differences between both toolheads keep in minda that if the offset between both toolheads is not minimum, you will have major issues printing in mirror or copy mode. also, you will have a hard time getting RatOS to work with any other printer not in the supported ones list. Despite RatOS being an incredible "system", it is not thought for any other machines and it can give you quite some headaches...
DocDoyleOP2w ago
Thankyou! So in regard to compatibility, the printer will basically have the layout of a Vcast wideboi with the smart parts of the vcore 4, would there still be major "hard time" parts? Im very up for the challenge with this machine so Im going in either way.
MDFPereira2w ago
V-Cast is not supported by RatOs. You will need to select the minion to have cartesian base and config almost everything else by hand.

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