Switching from Inductive probe to Beacon probe?

I am switching over from an inductive probe and couldn't fine a step x step guide anywhere yet. 1. When installing Beacon probe do I need to comment this line out or make any changes to it? include RatOS /printers/v-core-3 input-shaper.cfg 2. Do I need to make any changes to the following? variable_nozzle_priming: "primeblob" Park in the back when waiting for the extruder to heat up set to "front" to park in the front, or "center" to park in the center. 3. Do I need to make any changes to this. ADXL345 resonance testing configuration [resonance_tester] probe_points: 100,100,20 # 200mm printer 150,150,20 # 300mm printer 200,200,20 # 400mm printer 250,250,20 # 500mm printer Anything else I need to change or check before switching over? Many thanks in advance.
32 Replies
MFBSOPβ€’10mo ago
Also do I need to set the Z probe offset and if so are there instructions on where and how to do this with Beacon or is it done just the same way it is done for an inductive probe?
MFBSOPβ€’10mo ago
This is my current printer.cfg
miklschmidtβ€’10mo ago
No changes to any of the listed options You should change bed mesh min/ max and z_tilt point to fit your particular build (i’m assuming you’re running one of your many toolhead thingies). Besides that it’s just an include and BEACON_CALIBRATE. RevH accelerometer requires manual configuration in 2.0 (supported in 2.1, not released yet). [resonance_tester] accel_chip: beacon
MFBSOPβ€’10mo ago
Many thanks.
MFBSOPβ€’10mo ago
@miklschmidt Is it possible there is an error in the default RatOS Y offset for the coil location on the Beacon?
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miklschmidtβ€’10mo ago
Y offset is from the center of the nozzle to the center of the beacon coil. the current config is for the fabreeko_speedy mount. Which may have been modified since
MFBSOPβ€’10mo ago
I think you have that set as 27 and I think it should be 22.3 for standard V-Core 4 print head?
miklschmidtβ€’10mo ago
There's no official support released for the v-core 4 What code are you looking at
MFBSOPβ€’10mo ago
OK I just took the measurments from the CAD and assumed the Y offset value was for the VC4 tool head. I guess I should never make assumptions.
miklschmidtβ€’10mo ago
There's no V-Core 4 in RatOS 2.0 πŸ˜„
MFBSOPβ€’10mo ago
miklschmidtβ€’10mo ago
But i believe the cfg has stayed the same since it was originally implemented, there was no official mount and i did not want to break existing setups.
MFBSOPβ€’10mo ago
My bad
miklschmidtβ€’10mo ago
That's actually also the case for 2.1. There's gonna be instructions in 2.1 to manually calibrate your probe offsets because they're quite important for a lot of other sections. I haven't decided exactly what to do yet, so it's probably gonna be docs for now. I want to automate that whole thing away because it's awful πŸ˜…
MFBSOPβ€’10mo ago
Really looking forward to 2.1. Seems like a massive amount of work must have gone into it!
miklschmidtβ€’10mo ago
I'll say! πŸ₯΅
MFBSOPβ€’10mo ago
RatOS is what is missing from printers such as the Magneto. It woud solve so many of their issues
miklschmidtβ€’10mo ago
Yeah i think it would help most printers, and it should be much easier than before to add new user contributed ones in 2.1 πŸ™‚ The only real requirement is that the machine uses supported hardware (otherwise that would need to be added too) 44 supported boards now though! πŸ™‚
MFBSOPβ€’10mo ago
Should I have this in my overides section still.
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miklschmidtβ€’10mo ago
Yes if you want adaptive meshing, however in 2.0 it disables the prime blob for the beacon (it wasn't possible to read out probe results earlier, it has been added since). Adpative mesh will be default in 2.1, and has support for priming with the beacon as well.
MFBSOPβ€’10mo ago
Excellent the prine blob is a great way of cleaning the nozzle.
miklschmidtβ€’10mo ago
Yeah i think so too! And it's been made faster and shorter in 2.1 πŸ™‚ It also dynamically adapts to nozzle sizes (one of the reasons the configurator asks you about your nozzle now)
MFBSOPβ€’10mo ago
@miklschmidt What I don't see yet is where I set the Z offset for the Beacon. Do I do it in the same way I did it with the inductive probe and still leave this in my config?
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miklschmidtβ€’10mo ago
You don't, the z_offset for beacon is baked into the calibration model. You run BEACON_CALIBRATE and that's it. so get rid of the z_offset and run BEACON_CALIBRATE. Make sure z_offset and [probe] is entirely gone, also from the klipper section.
MFBSOPβ€’10mo ago
MFBSOPβ€’10mo ago
@miklschmidt Hmm not sure what I am doing wrong yet. I have adjusted my Z tilt positions and done Beacon_Calibrate and everything seems to work OK until I start a print and then I get this error...
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MFBSOPβ€’10mo ago
Bed mes looks OK I think?
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MFBSOPβ€’10mo ago
Sorted, now I understand what you meant about changing the bed mesh. I had to change mesh_min to 30,30 as my Y offset is 27mm on the print head. Many thanks for your help. Now I just need to have a way to store different Z off sets for my different beds and also for different filaments. Some filaments like TPU I don't squish on the bed so much.
miklschmidtβ€’10mo ago
i like to keep filament specific offsets in my filament profiles, SET_GCODE_OFFSET with a += adjustment so it's relative to whatever is already set. You can also do it with an absolute offset, depends on your workflow.
MFBSOPβ€’10mo ago
Nice idea! Do you have an example of the script I can cut and paste into my filament profiles and adjust.
miklschmidtβ€’10mo ago
SET_GCODE_OFFSET Z_ADJUST=0.01 That moves the nozzle 0.01mm further away from the bed on the next move. If you want to set it, and not adjust it, use Z instead of Z_ADJUST.
MFBSOPβ€’10mo ago
Many thanks.

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