Bed Mesh Error suddenly appeared.
Ratos 2.1 vcore3 500, all of a sudden the last probe point of the mesh routine fails with this error:
12:59 PM
Unable to parse move 'G0 X250.0 Y F18000.0'
12:59 PM
Unable to parse move 'G0 X250.0 Y F18000.0'
12:59 PM
Unable to parse move 'G0 X250.0 Y F18000.0'
12:59 PM
Unable to parse move 'G0 X250.0 Y F18000.0'
Happens regardless it Adaptive Mesh is enable or not, always the error as above.
Printed fine last night and now this which shuts down the print before its even started.
3 Replies
I have found the culprit but I dont know why, I had added this to printer.cfg:
Heat Soaking Variables
#variable_bed_heat_soak_time: 1200
#variable_hotend_heat_soak_time: 300
#variable_start_print_park_in: 'primeblob'
Commented out and error is gone?
Hello Martin.
Looks like Y coordinate is missing…
There should be a number after Y…
debug zip..