Vcore 500 bed mesh

I need some help in order to understand what part of my printer is out of whack. I have tried adjusting as much as i could but obviously its not working. Please help thank you.
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4 Replies
VisualTech489mo ago
Youzr printer is suffering from 2 issues atm, the X gantry is bowing downwards, and your Y gantry is bowing upwards The X gantry fix is not an issue, its a simple matter of pulling it by hand in the middle, slightly, until the X is flat.
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VisualTech489mo ago
The Y however you need a torque wrench, or at least, make sure its bolted down the same strenght I suggest putting every third screw that connects it to the 3030 If its the V core 4 If its the 3, you just have to unscrew all of the scews and then screw them the same as much as you can The bed mesh can be confusing but I alwas say to invert it in your head. Red means its Closer to bed, which means its bowing Downwards, while Blue means its further from bed which means its going Upwards.
fish9mo ago
SrTKid24OP9mo ago
Thank you for all the info! I will do as you suggested and see if it make it better. its a vcore 3.1.

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