Move out of range: 18.500 -15.500 5.000 [0.000] Rehoming after tilt adjustment...

Well I can'nt get it to work. My hotbed is not the regulare size (used new and old parts) I have an old one which is 41.5 cm so very close to the Rat Rig originale. So I changend my bed size in overrides. The print start does its homing but at a certain point I get the errore 3DBenchy.gcode Move out of range: 18.500 -15.500 5.000 [0.000] Rehoming after tilt adjustment... so I would think its something having to do with my bed settings maybe?
10 Replies
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SynapsisOP2y ago
I have the x y offsets but when I home the nozzle goes to the center of the bed aand not the bl Touch. Do I have to add them to z safe?
SynapsisOP2y ago
The blue are the screws the red are where the bl touch probes when i do a z tilt. I know its wrong but haven't been able to fix it.
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SynapsisOP2y ago
ok I just made some measurements I my probe can not probe directly above all the screws. So in the front if i need to keep the distance the same I would need to probe x: 378 Y:27 and x :4 and y:27 while the rear I can probe x:194 and y:342. The nozzle can go to the edge but the probe is in front. So how can i compensate for this? ok sorted out the center and x y offset which are working now. Ok I may understand a little better the z tilt , my question is in which oreder does it probe. When mine way default it was z1 z then z2 . Is this correct?
front left of machine, rear, front right (front is with electronics farthest away from you)
SynapsisOP2y ago
👍 Umm the first probe point looks good but the next one which should be rear does not go to the back. these are my settings [z_tilt] z_positions: 397.30, 34 196.40, 383.60 -3, -34 points: 47, 34 312,194 47, 368
ptegler2y ago
POINTS is where it will probe. Those numbers look odd. second point is X=312 ...should be half (+/-) your bed width Now looking back, your z_positions look odd too. 1st is x=397 ?
SynapsisOP2y ago
thanks , they all look odd. so it should be z1 (Left) where the screw would be z (Rear) and z2 (Right) and yes that would be 194, 312. Good its 1:30 in the morning I redo it in the tomorrow. ok may have got in sorted out. Now i'll try the print and see what happens. Ok looked like it was going to work but on the last row of probes i get error Move out of range: 21.500 405.460 5.000 [0.000] where 405.46 Y i would think it wrong for sure what i don't know is where to fix that. ok thought it was fixed but now a new error. After the blob when it start to move i get Move out of range: 35.302 -4.475 0.328 [53.100]. Can some please explain how he caculates this.
ptegler2y ago
carriage ca not move to a 'negative' position (-4.475) this is your offeset between your Z location points, your probe offset settings 9from your nozzle) and the points you're telling it to probe.
SynapsisOP2y ago
Its doing its first Benchy, the Cura setting were wrong.

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