X gantry uneven

Hi, Ive followed along with the build guide on aligning the gantry. My frame is square diagonally and measures the same across the whole way along. When i move the gantry to the front of the frame and measure to the corner like it says in the instruction, one side is 17mm and the other side has a gap of 11mm. Ive losened the carriages up and tried to align them with that but that gap doesnt reduce. Ive even tried tightening the belts to see if that makes a difference but it doesnt seem to affect the gap even if i tension the hell out of it. I have no idea where to go from here. Any tips would be appreciated
2 Replies
quickest-silver2y ago
uneven belt tension on xy does also behave in uneven movement. be sure the tension is almost equal and the gantry slides buttery smooth and then start tensioning the belt.the corner that has more distance can get a notch of more tension then.
ptegler2y ago
correct...belt tension alone will skew your gantry as you describe loosen the gantry xy joiner screws, get your belt tensions the same then re-tighten the joiner screw.

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