mcu issues (solved) + psu no voltage
I finished up the wifi setup and board firmware installation and now I am trying to proceed to Mainsail. I always get an error "MCU couldnt connect".

36 Replies
I also can't seem to connect to ratos.local during configuration.
when ssh'd in the rpi
returns while ls /dev/serial/by-id/*
returns nothing
that is not how it is done with ratos due to the automatic flashing. what board do you have?
how did you confirm the firmware was flashed correctly?

ok, did you edit your printer.cfg to match your hardware?
I though that it generated a sample printer.cfg? Is there a v-minion template that I could copy psate?
it does, but you still have to go and edit the file to match your setup
you haven't completed the steps after clicking the install v-minion button
At this point we haven't told klipper anything about our hardware, if you're not using the default control board for your particular config, you'll get an MCU error. This is normal, continue below.
This is likely because you updated the system packages, there's a bug in debian that delete the udev rule that maps devices to /dev/serial/by-id/*. In RatOS your board should be at /dev/skrat-10
At this point, you just follow the guide, which tells you to install the v-minion template and uncomment your hardware in printer.cfg.
had to change the board type in
I thought that the setup file would have overriden it. The extruder is however not heating up
Then you have wiring problems, either your thermistors are swapped or your heater isn't wired properly
Like the heating wires should be swapped?
I do see both bed and probe thermistor reporting temp correctly
Let me see if the bed even heats up
A heater is just a resistor, polarity doesn't matter
also getting this error which cause klipper to crash
Unable to read tmc uart 'stepper_z' register IFCNT
Unable to read tmc uart 'stepper_x' register IFCNT, skr e3 mini v1....
Klipper has been working amazingly. I turned the printer on (an Ender 3 with an skr e3 mini v1.2) and got the following error. I wouldn't think this is actually an error with Klipper but I don&...
do I have a dead TMC2209 driver?
Did you remember to configure the driver jumpers for UART?
Pay attention to the jumpers in the wiring diagram
As in the exact same color code for each wire?
sorry what step is that again? green squares
all green squares are present
and the rest are removed?

actually both extruder and bed aren't heating

check the fuses for continuity
I replaced the fuse
I'd start there..
I don't get 24v out from the psu to the big tree tech board
the PSU doesn't have 24V between dc + and - ?
Are you in a 110V country and forgot to flip the switch from 240v?

this is bad
Disconnect power wires from the SKRat. Measure again.

I get 0
Your PSU is dead sir
Also please make sure the "V_USB" above the reset button doesn't have a jumper installed because your SKRat should really not be powered right now (with the PSU disconnected).