Octopus 1.1 - connection problem
Hello. I have a problem with Octopus 1.1. The board is new. I am unable to connect it to either an RPi or a computer (Windows doesn't detect it in any way). After powering it on, 3 LEDs light up. Uploading firmware works (it changes from BIN to CUR). I also tried connecting it via UART.
Is there anything else I can try to do, or is it likely to have a factory defect?
4 Replies
why would Windows detect it....you should be connecting it to you RPi not your Windows box.
on the RPi (with it plugged in) , at an SSH command prompt on the RPi, simply type ls /dev/serial/by-id/*/dev/serial/by-id/usb-1a86_USB2.0-Serial-if00-port0```
or whatever you board ident is
conscious-sapphireOP•2y ago
I have tried all the things you wrote (for a few times) with no results...
Today I will receive another Octopus and check if it works
New mainboard works without any issue, so it was factory defect...
im having the same issue as this post, what would getting the serial port id do? do you put it into the config?
no, it is good for seeing if the board connected. But you can achieve the same by using the configurator (http://RatOS.local/configure?step=1)