What's the equivalent to 0.4mm Fine layer height (0.16) when using a 0.6mm nozzle?

Curious about what the "standard" layer height would be for a 0.6mm nozzle when trying to match the fine setting for a 0.4mm nozzle. Would it still be around 0.16mm?
7 Replies
blacksmithforlife•3y ago
0.4*0.4=0.16, so I am guessing 0.6*0.4=0.24?
unwilling-turquoise•3y ago
I mostly print 0.2mm layers with my 0.6mm nozzle.
unwilling-turquoise•3y ago
https://the3dprinterbee.com/3d-printing-layer-height-vs-nozzle-size/ talks a bit about it, with 25% and 75% as minimum and maximum of the nozzle size as layer height.
The 3D Printer Bee
3D Printing Layer Height vs. Nozzle Size - Table & Guide
Finding the right relation between the layer height and nozzle size is important for a detailed surface and optimized printing times!
unwilling-turquoise•3y ago
so 0.6mm nozzle 0.15mm and 0.45mm layer heights.
plain-purpleOP•3y ago
I printed a 200% version of an Egyptian statue I found online from one of the larger museums using 0.16 layers and although it turned out very nicely, I wondered if there was some sort of standard for figuring it out, or just trial and error. I was worried about clogging issues if the smaller height would impact flow but it didn't seem to make much difference. When you're switching from one height to another are there any calibrations you normally perform or just see what happens and adjust on the fly? Nice! This helps a lot.
dependent-tan•3y ago
Clogging due to layer height setting, should only occur if the nozzle is (in absolute terms) too close to the bed or previous layer; it has no relation to the nozzle diameter. Though, if you have some composite filament and the composite particles require the nozzle to be at least a certain size in order to avoid clogging, then they may also require the layers to be at least a certain height in order to avoid clogging.
plain-purpleOP•3y ago
That's what I was worried about if I just randomly picked a layer height. Would a 1mm nozzle clog using a 0.16mm layer height more frequently than a 0.02 nozzle at the the same height? I'd think it would, but since I didn't know I asked and got great direction. and luckily, the 0.6mm nozzle worked just fine with 0.16 layer height. And to top off my day of wins, it finished the print with only 3 wraps of filament left on the 3kg spool. That never happens for me 😆

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