Trouble flashing Octopus 1.1
The Octopus doesnt seem to wanna flash everytime I try. The firmware.bin just stays as is. I am using a pi 3 a+. Help is much appreciated.
thanks in adavance!
12 Replies
try to disconnect everything from the octopus, then try to reflash with the sd card
genetic-orangeOP•2y ago
i only have power for board an raspberry connected
you dont need the raspberry
also make sure you are using the correct firmware
there are different versions for the octopus
also, use the oldest SD card you have
the smalles one
genetic-orangeOP•2y ago
i ll try without raspberry now
i formated to fat16 with 4kb cluster size its an old 32gb one it now only has 256 mb though
didnt work
i will try the other config with f407 but i am pretty sure i have the normal onwe
how do you power the octopus?
genetic-orangeOP•2y ago
via the power supply and i only connected the two wires corosponding to power for board
still no luck f407 didnt work either. I am just putting in the sd card before powering on octopus. it should flash automatically right?
you can try to power it with 5v through the USB cable
for this you need to remove the power cables
and set the USB jumper for 5V, left side of the big chip
also, try to find another SD card
genetic-orangeOP•2y ago
okay i will try that thanks
i was able to flash the board finally but now i get an error in mainsail
mcu 'mcu': Unable to connect
Once the underlying issue is corrected, use the
"FIRMWARE_RESTART" command to reset the firmware, reload the
config, and restart the host software.
Error configuring printer
this is what it says no idea whats causing this
do you follow the ratos instructions?
genetic-orangeOP•2y ago
then this is another issue, not related to this thread, i suggest to open a thread in #ratos-support
genetic-orangeOP•2y ago
i completed the configurator setup board was detected and then i tried to continue to mainsail
thank you for you help i will open another thread