Stepper Y error?
Getting an error "TMC 'stepper_y' reports error: DRV_STATUS: 001900d0 s2vsa=1(ShortToSupply_A!) ola=1(OpenLoad_A!) olb=1(OpenLoad_B!) cs_actual=25"
None of the motors home nor do they even move
Tried rewiring, and swapped drivers around to test those (no change)
Can't home any motors. X just moves away from where the endstop goes off.
Any help appreciated. Thanks!
12 Replies
Your Y stepper wiring is bad, try swapping the two middle pins.
ambitious-aquaOP•2y ago
i changed the red and blue since they were the opposite of X and Z
Can't home any motors. X just moves away from where the endstop goes off.`That means the direction is inverted, invert it in your config.. Yep thats probably why you're getting errors now
ambitious-aquaOP•2y ago
even if it's the same error?
same error as what?
ambitious-aquaOP•2y ago
the one at the top of the post
ShortToSupply and OpenLoad always means borked wiring.
ambitious-aquaOP•2y ago
OpenLoad = There's no continuity between what is supposed to be the stepper coils (you're doing - / - and +/+). ShortToSupply = No load between + and -.
ambitious-aquaOP•2y ago
all tghe wires are swapped on both ends
yay amazon
Carefully recrimp and make sure the pins are in the correct order.
ambitious-aquaOP•2y ago
will do
Seems to have worked. Just an end stop error now because the switch stopped working
Thanks for your help though!