Memory leak, high memory use shutting down klipper
I was in a long print, 27hrs planned, and after 8-9 hrs i think, i had the MCU shut down message:
"Transition to shutdown state: MCU 'mcu' shutdown: Timer too close
This often indicates the host computer is overloaded. Check
for other processes consuming excessive CPU time, high swap
usage, disk errors, overheating, unstable voltage, or
similar system problems on the host computer."
It's a Pi4B+ with 1G of RAM, running RATOS V2.02 32bit.
Never had this issue with the old RATOS "BETA" but had to change it all after a corrupted µsdcard.
Been running for a month with lot of prints, max 5 hrs, and never paid attention to this issue.
20 Replies
I've done a full update, and i dont like doing that knowing i've already did a fresh install like 3 weeks ago, but the problem seems gone.......
your CPU usage did spike all of a sudden. As you can see it goes from about 70% to over 100% and continues to climb to I saw 140% in some places

yes, and the full update did not solve the problem.
i did a "top -c" in SSH, and it seems klipperscreen is the cuprit.

and this is after restarting klipperscreen service ( while printing btw)

Hmmm... Bug in klipperscreen? 🤔
That's pretty bad
especially the before and after "free memory"

memory seems fine. But that CPU usage spike is very bad. That should never happen.
Are you using a screen?
yes, the BTT 7"
it's very alggy since i updated to V2.02
aight, otherwise i'd recommend just disabling the service, but that won't work for you 😄
i can always use the web interface, no problem if temporary
well it's no wonder it's laggy when it's hammering 100% cpu time
I wouldn't know, KlipperScreen is a third party project
I have no control over it
I've seriously considered not shipping it in 2.1
should i disconnect it and see what happens ??
No leave the screen connected, and disable the service
Screen will just show the terminal
You can enable it again by doing the reverse
yup, seems to work
i have a 2nd screen, the same model, i'll connect it to see if it's the same (with service enabled of course)
tnx a lot for the help
Sure thing!
i've submitted a BUG report on Github, but i think i found the culprit
I've sliced with an old profile with ARC enabled in the slicer but not in printer.cfg, and i keep getting "error unknown command G17" (or G3) messages, and i think it saturates the service....but that's strange anyway.
I've sliced with an old profile with ARC enabled in the slicer but not in printer.cfg, and i keep getting "error unknown command G17" (or G3) messages, and i think it saturates the service....but that's strange anyway.So, the theory is that there's a memory leak / infinite loop somewhere in KlipperScreens console handling?
Alfrix on Github gave me this answer : "The error messages generate pop-ups and it consumes a lot of processing only to do that", so to avoid the problem dont have error messages ...............