metal "klunking" noise and seemingly loosing steps

I wanted to print the skew calibration test and in the beginning it went well but after like a minute I startet ro hear some metal "klunking" sound seemingly coming from the linear rails and it also seems like it lost a few steps. I have no clue what happened because the initial Z offset calibration print went without any problems. I have no idea what could have caused this other than a problem with the linear rails so I think its more fitting here than in fix-my-print.
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5 Replies
TheTik3mo ago
Maybe start grabbing things and try to wiggle them, find what is loose or came loose?
MRNicegamerOP3mo ago
well I did but I couldn´t find anything that was loose.
use a screwdriver to find where the sound is coming from -
Scotty Kilmer
How To Use a Giant Screwdriver To Find Car Noises
Scotty Kilmer, mechanic for the last 45 years, shows how you can use a giant screwdriver to fix noises that your car is making. Sound travels great in metal, and you can use that fact to use a giant screwdriver to find the source of annoying noises on your car. And, If you like my car help, be sure to watch my live car talk show every Saturday m...
MRNicegamerOP3mo ago
MRNicegamerOP3mo ago
I think its coming from the linear rails from the Y axis. The sound also alternates between the rails. well it somehow fixed itself when I enabled Performance mode.

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