Lost communication with MCU 'toolboard_t0'

I'm running VC4 500 with a Orbitool board. Everything else is pretty much stock other than a 24v fan to the toolboard instead of the 4 wire fan back to the MB. I've tried multiple toolboards, USB pcbs, and cables. (I ordered 3, so I had 1 for IDEX and a spare) It seems to work fine for 4 or 5 prints, then I get 3ish hours into a print and it shuts down due to "Lost communication with MCU 'toolboard_t0'" Then it does it every time I try to print something until I switch out the board or cable. Then it will work fine for 4 or 5 prints. I'm really stumped on this. All the connectors are stock, I didn't crimp anything. I've switched out previously removed boards and cables, and it will still print 4 or 5 prints without issue.
klippy log is attached.
23 Replies
dyocisOP•5mo ago
I also tried running a print with no filament, and it completed a 5 hour print without issue. I loaded filament and reran the exact same print and it crashed
CrashTestCharlie / VC4 400h
So the only differences look like: Extruder current pulling filament Hotend current heating filament That board might not have the ass for an extruder, heater, and 4028. Might have been built for a more normal fan
dyocisOP•5mo ago
Yea, I can't be sure though. It prints fine 4 or 5 times in a row without issue then it will start this cycle. I don't know if the successful no filament print was just #4 and the next was 5
CrashTestCharlie / VC4 400h
Might be overheating. You have heat sinks on the chips?
dyocisOP•5mo ago
I thought about that, but I looked into the specs of the fan and the board and it looks like it has plenty of amps for it. It's getting a 24v feed directly from the PSU. It does have a massive heat sink. The reported temp on the chip is about 75c and the board specs say it is good up to 120c or something like that Also, on the temps. It completed a print overnight, then I re-ran the exact same print the next morning after everything was cool and it failed.
CrashTestCharlie / VC4 400h
That kinda sounds like a bad solder joint. When heat soaked it reflows enough to work
dyocisOP•5mo ago
I don't disagree. I checked both boards I've been switching out and haven't found anything suspicious. I even did a strain check on the cable going to the toolhead. I wiggled, tweaked and twisted the entire cable back and forth for a solid 3 minutes without any issues. If it was only 1 board, I would say it's a bad solder joint or the chip overheating, but both of them having the exact same fault is improbable.
CrashTestCharlie / VC4 400h
A lot of timeout errors can be a bad usb cable. Seen that a few times
dyocisOP•5mo ago
hmm...it's the cable that came with the toolboard. I can switch it out and see what happens.
CrashTestCharlie / VC4 400h
Worth a shot
dyocisOP•5mo ago
New cable installed and a 5 hour print started. I'll let you know how it goes! LOL
dyocisOP•5mo ago
No description
dyocisOP•5mo ago
I may install the stock toolboard when my IDEX gets here next week if I can't get this figured out. I guess I should figure out how to get the runour sensor set up on the stock board
CrashTestCharlie / VC4 400h
Oof good luck
dyocisOP•5mo ago
Would a weak crimp on the hotend fan ground potentially cause this issue? I was disassembling for IDEX and the ground wire on my hotend fan broke off as I was pulling the plug from the board.
CrashTestCharlie / VC4 400h
Maybe. Especially if it chattered it might be enough interference
dyocisOP•5mo ago
Well, I was all set to use the stock board since I'm doing IDEX right now. Dammit. I may try recrimping this thing and trying the Orbitool board again
CrashTestCharlie / VC4 400h
I'd just roll with the ebb x2 and get idex working
dyocisOP•5mo ago
Yea, but then I need to redo my 4028 and x endstop wiring. LOL I'm going to regret it either way. If it works with the EBB, I'll wonder if the orbitool works, and if I redo the Orbitool and I still have the problem I'll kick myself for not doing it
CrashTestCharlie / VC4 400h
Yeah, might be worth it just to know
dyocisOP•5mo ago
Plus I put the usb pcb into my bumbag setup, not that it's a big deal, just annoying knowing they are there and not being used
Portolasas•5mo ago
I got the same problem, it was due to a wrong version of toolboard firmware. Just update all components, then go back to the configure tab and re-flash the toolboards. Did the trick for me.
dyocisOP•5mo ago
The issue seems to be resolved. I moved around the USBs on my pi/hat and it's working. No errors in about 6 hours of printing

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