I made X gantry (carbon, toolhead (vzbot), beacon from pinda, awd (tmc5160) changes. i asked a friend for help for the cfg file. then every time i bedmesh the z-offset started to change and the mesh started to come out sometimes above and sometimes below the flatness. No matter what i do, after a reboot or bedmesh the z-offset doesn't stay the same, neither does the z-tilt. i have been dealing with this for days and still can't solve it. i have gone through all the screws couplers etc. everything hardware related 10 times from the beginning. if you can help, you would really save my life.
30 Replies
TorosOP•9mo ago
the problem is exactly this. After restart, HOME-->Z-TILT-->BED-MESH-->BEACON_CALIBRATE(or with babystep)-->SAVE_CONFIG I have no problem working with the saved mesh profile until these settings restart, but after restart if I BED-MESH again with the z-offset set as before, it adjusts the new profile to the offset of the previous one and therefore the plate comes out higher. what is the reason for this?
miklschmidt•9mo ago
Hey! So yeah as i mentioned on the beacon server. Run BEACON_CALIBRATE after z_tilt and rehoming z, without an active mesh and don't run it again. Then everything you do from there should only be baby stepping. If your mesh is still randomly offset, then your issue is unrelated to beacon and we'll investigate further, let me know 🙂
TorosOP•9mo ago
heyy! i understand. i will do what you said and try it with variable_calibrate_bed_mesh turned on. as far as i remember i had such a problem in pinda but i solved so many problems that i honestly don't remember exactly. and tomorrow I'll tell you what happened. Thank you very much
miklschmidt•9mo ago
excellent, make sure to ping me or i won't notice
TorosOP•9mo ago
TorosOP•9mo ago
@miklschmidt I made a few attempts. I will try again with it off and on, but when I do it in the order you said, there does not seem to be a problem now. thank you very much for that. but the bed mesh looks really weird and the range is too much. I honestly don't know what to do for such a shape. Is this because the CF gantry is bowing? Also this is the last mesh I sent after 2 hours of bed heating.
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TorosOP•9mo ago
I'll lose all the screws on the gantry one more and try again
miklschmidt•9mo ago
Quite the bowl! I would retighten the rail screws when hot, middle out!
TorosOP•9mo ago
literally...😅 I will look into the bowing problem after a couple of off and on and new print trials. tanks again!!
Ferfi•9mo ago
I don't want to scare you but a couple of friends researched the cf gantry and the conclusion was that there is high risk that the epoxi is not suitable for elevated temperatures of you source from China. It might simply lose stiffness, which is what we might be seeing. But as mikl said, try tightening the X rail while the chamber temperature is high and you'll see
TorosOP•9mo ago
I only use abs for the sculptures I make. the maximum bed temperature is 110 degrees. will this affect it again? I mean, when you say high temperature, how many degrees are you talking about?
Ferfi•9mo ago
no idea what I mean by "high temperature" to be honest. But you can quickly see where you're at by measuring at ambient temperature and then after heat soaking. If the Ambient measurement is fine then it might be this. Unless I'm mistaken the "bi-metalic" (steel-CF) effect should raise the middle slightly, even.
TorosOP•9mo ago
yes, this is probably my problem. i couldn't get any print for a long time. i'll manage a little more, open the joiners, tighten the screws from the beginning and try. if the problem is not solved, i'll switch to the new gantry. 😅
Ferfi•9mo ago
try measuring at ambient first, before retightening
miklschmidt•9mo ago
Unless I'm mistaken the "bi-metalic" (steel-CF) effect should raise the middle slightly, even.
It's kinda unpredictable (but consistent), it depends on how hard the rail is torqued down, material stress from machining and mounting etc etc. All these "it'll bow like this" assumptions are made from oversimplified simulations. Also the Y in the mesh above has a similar curvature to X, so this is most likely just about tightening the rail screws in the right order (also, i recommend using less of them, every third hole is fine). Also if the resin really softens it won't bow at all lol 😂
Ferfi•9mo ago
it will sag under the weight of toolheat/rail, no? We're talking tenths of a mm here eh that sag should be less than 0,1 mm for 400 mm
miklschmidt•9mo ago
Depends on how much it softens lol
Ferfi•9mo ago
the sag from just unsupported rail carrying the toolhead should be around 0.05 - 0. 1 mm according to beam deflection calculation
TorosOP•9mo ago
Actually, I don't seem to have sagging, but bending in the opposite direction. Since my 9mm rail joiner has a screw on the inside of the joiner, I plan to open it after it has been pressed for a while 🙂 but my bedmesh is at 0.6s :mildpanicintensifies:
TorosOP•9mo ago
this is my 3hrs heated bed 🙂
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TorosOP•9mo ago
actually this is not that bad, but i need check my screws
Ferfi•9mo ago
Oh yea I'm actually dumb as always regarding reading what is up and what is down in bed mesh
TorosOP•9mo ago
I went back to the stock gantry, warmed up the plate for a while and loosened and tightened the screws. the result is much better than before, but this time there are waves. will these waves cause problems?
TorosOP•9mo ago
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miklschmidt•9mo ago
the bed mesh is there to compensate, not to tell you that your bed is bad 😅 Anything picked up by the mesh will be compensated by the mesh. This looks like your rails are binding though. Also it doesn't really look like you did anything to fix your Y rails (which are where the biggest problem is) Oh, and don't overtorque them, just light torque is all you need.
TorosOP•9mo ago
You're talking about the rails on your Y-axis, right? I'll loosen and tighten them, then. :mildpanicintensifies: I put 1 kg of filament model today. I will do it in 1.5 days. :))
miklschmidt•9mo ago
Do it in the right order. One side to the other side or from the middle outwards, and make sure you don't misalign them, align one, tighten it down, then use the X gantry to align the other. and go light!
TorosOP•9mo ago
using x rail was a very good advice. ok i will do that. thanks alot :mildpanicintensifies: also i did beacon update now. but the auto calibration offset is not that accurate and i have ratos 2.02
miklschmidt•9mo ago
yeah you want 2.1 for proper contact support
TorosOP•9mo ago
ok. i will do it when the update comes in ratos. :ratrig_heart:

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