EBB42 not going into DFU mode

The board is connected but not detected. I try putting it into DFU mode, but nothing happens
11 Replies
CrashTestCharlie / VC4 400h
How is it powered? The top jumper needs to be in place for the usb to power it.
guesswhatsthisparlorOP•8mo ago
guesswhatsthisparlorOP•8mo ago
The jumper is there
CrashTestCharlie / VC4 400h
Lights are on, someone's home. It took a couple of tries for me to get the button presses right before it showed up.
guesswhatsthisparlorOP•8mo ago
The lights are not changing The video looks bad, because I was trying to do it only using one hand, but no matter how much I press it doesn't change
CrashTestCharlie / VC4 400h
There's two buttons, but I forgot the order of presses
guesswhatsthisparlorOP•8mo ago
DFU Boot Instructions Connect the board via USB to the Raspberry Pi Make sure the board is powered (you can use usb power by placing a jumper on the VBUS pins) Press and hold the BOOT button on the board. Press and release the RESET button on the board. Release the BOOT button. Upper is Boot and the low is Reset
CrashTestCharlie / VC4 400h
Try removing power, then hold boot while reconnecting usb, then reset , then release boot. Otherwise hard to say, looks like your doing everything right
guesswhatsthisparlorOP•8mo ago
Did this a couple of times, it still doesn't change anything 😦
CrashTestCharlie / VC4 400h
WOPR73•7mo ago
after you press the reset button combo. ssh into the pi and then type 'lsusb' one of the devices should have '(DFU Mode)' after it. That is it. don't look for a light or anything. just continue with the steps to flash the device. after done with the flash and restart the device and type 'lsusb' again and the DFU mode should be gone.

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