nozzle_prime_direction Move out of range

I set the variable_nozzle_prime_direction:"backwards" but when it move towards the back I get a "move out of range" how can i set the position seeing I can't change a marco.
3 Replies
miklschmidt2y ago
Backwards means in the negative direction, ie. towards the front. If your prime position is at the front, you get this problem. See the macro documentation on for prime position variables.
SynapsisOP2y ago
Thanks for the reply I put backwards so that it would move forward so the blob wouldn't touch my BLTouch. I was reading the variables . So I need to set "variable_nozzle_prime_start_y" to override the macro setting or better use "variable_nozzle_prime_direction:auto" so it moves to the center. regardless to the y setting. I'll try that.
mwj-speedtwin7mo ago
why nozzle_diameter

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