Filament runout detection pausing at start of sprint

I'm running a Mellow Filguard Filament detector. Like the title says it's pausing the print at the start of a print. When I extrude a bit of filament I see the sensor and jam sensor both turn to "detected". But if I don't do this they are initially marked as empty and when the print starts they are still empty and it pauses the print. pressing resume won't help in that case I have to disable the sensors for the print to actually start and continue. I set it up on my config in the following way: [filament_switch_sensor toolhead_filament_sensor_t0] pause_on_runout: False event_delay: 0.1 switch_pin: ^!toolboard_t0:PA0 runout_gcode: _ON_TOOLHEAD_FILAMENT_SENSOR_RUNOUT TOOLHEAD=0 insert_gcode: _ON_TOOLHEAD_FILAMENT_SENSOR_INSERT TOOLHEAD=0 [filament_motion_sensor toolhead_filament_clog_t0] switch_pin: ^!toolboard_t0:PA1 detection_length: 3.0 extruder: extruder # extruder for T0, extruder1 for T1 pause_on_runout: False event_delay: 3.0 pause_delay: 0.5 runout_gcode: _ON_TOOLHEAD_FILAMENT_SENSOR_CLOG TOOLHEAD=0 insert_gcode: [gcode_macro T0] variable_enable_insert_detection: True # enables the insert detection variable_enable_runout_detection: True # enables the runout detection variable_enable_clog_detection: True # enables the clog detection variable_unload_after_runout: True # unload filament after runout has been detected variable_resume_after_insert: True # resumes the print after inserting new filament variable_filament_grabbing_speed: 1 # filament grabbing speed in mm/s variable_filament_grabbing_length: 5 # filament grabbing length in mm variable_purge_after_load: 30 # purge x mm after the filament has been loaded to the nozzle tip variable_purge_before_unload: 0 # purge x mm before the filament unloads
1 Reply
mhermansOP7d ago
Filament Guard Button Infeed Function [gcode_button filament_load] pin: ^!toolboard_t0:PA2 release_gcode: {% if (printer.print_stats.state == "printing") %} _ON_TOOLHEAD_FILAMENT_SENSOR_CLOG TOOLHEAD=0 {% else %} _ON_FILAMENT_SENSOR_BUTTON_PRESSED TOOLHEAD=0 {% endif %} press_gcode:

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