Switching probes
I'm switching to Fabreeko's SuperPinda from BLTouch. Is this all I have to change in RatOS? RatOS v. I get this error in pics attached.
I looked in the probe folder and there is just BLTouch and Probe. Nothing about inductive. I simply uncomment BLtouch and commented Probe. Feels like I should do more. I used the same pins as the BLTouch as per the Octopus 1.1 RatRig diagram.
I also just added this to user overrides and commented Probe in the configuration and uncommented BLT

2 Replies
I'm not at my computer but that looks right. Make sure to do the endstops tests and hand on emergency stop for the first homing but give it a whirl!
I just did and everything looks good. I deleted the auto-generated bltouch stuff in the bottom and that allowed me to save the configuration