V-Core 3.0 500 Belt Tension

I'm wondering what I adjust here, is this just a dark art or should I be loosening/tightning one or both belts until the vertical peaks line up? 🙂
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4 Replies
chicken•4mo ago
you have some extra noise there for sure. Are you running RatOS 2.1? If so the real time analaysis can help you find some of that noise. While belt tuning can sometimes feel like a dark ark there are some fundamentals about it to try and track down problems.
RobeeOP•4mo ago
Yes, I'm running RatOS 2.1, just wondering what does it look like if my belts are tensioned correctly? And which belt does this mean I need to tighten or loosen? 🙂
Klonk•4mo ago
tension seems ok, as the peaks are below each other. But there is some other vibration coming from somewhere. Check also whether the belts run free on the pulleys and the gears (in the middle) so the teeth of the belts do not rub at some edges (follow upper belt). Only other solution: Use real time analysis and touching various stuff to find the part that is vibrating.
RobeeOP•4mo ago
Cool, as long as tension is okay, I think the other bits are just the wires to the toolhead which aren't tied down and can wobble about a bunch. Thank you!

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