Klipper Screen not working.

I have a BTT 5" touch which as working after doing the new install its dead. I may have damaged the HDMI micro port ,even if i do not see any thing out of order. Is there a way to try the other port of reinstall only klipper screen?
Ok solved I dismounted the board to take a close look to see it the HDMI0 was broken but It wasn't looking closer something had fallen into the connector. I used a needle and popped it out. Put back in the cable turned it on and it is working perfetly.
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7 Replies
Oskait13mo ago
Does your screen show the console when the rpi is booting? if not its not klipperscreen... You can also put it in the other port, but you need to restart the pi as well.
SynapsisOP13mo ago
I do not see the boot screen with the tree the second is also black Is there a way to check that klipper screen is installed correctly? or a way to reinstall it?
Oskait13mo ago
over the web interface in the machine tab, you can update klipperscreen, restart it and reinstall it. However when the screen doesnt even show the bootscreen when the pi boots, then klipperscreen is not the problem. Either your screen is broken (check with another hdmi monitor for example), your cable or your pi. You can also check your BTT screen with another device, forexample your PC or something if it outputs anything.
SynapsisOP13mo ago
Is it normal that the klipperscreen.conf is empty? the screen works perfectly with my pc. I tried 2 new cables Seems that if the HDMI0 is broken you can not use the HDMI1. So if I have to get a new board which would be the best board to buy. Or solution.
Oskait13mo ago
I think mine also showed at least the boot screen on the pi on both HDMI ports, but I'm not at home atm to confirm. Did you check the pi with a different monitor? I would do that before I buy a new one. I got a Pi4 with 1GB ram which is enough for klipper No.
SynapsisOP13mo ago
Can you please send me your file to see how it should look like. When you have time. I have the CB1 mounted on the manta m8p.
Synapsis13mo ago
Ok solved I dismounted the board to take a close look to see it the HDMI0 was broken but It wasn't looking closer something had fallen into the connector. I used a needle and popped it out. Put back in the cable turned it on and it is working perfetly.

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