ratos-configurator showing as invalid

I wanted to update my components but I'm not sure about this one. It shows up as invalid and I don't think it has the right version number either. I think its used for configuring the printer first and uploading the firmware to the mcu? Not sure what to do, whether to reset it or not. I want to update klipper which would need to upload new firmware which is done through this configurator I think last time I did it?
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12 Replies
miklschmidt•13mo ago
Looks like you ran a hard reset before you updated moonraker. There was a bug in moonraker some time ago that checked out the active branch when running "Hard Recovery" instead of the configured one. To fix you'd have to do this:
cd ratos-configurator
git checkout v2.x-deployment
sudo ./scripts/update.sh
cd ratos-configurator
git checkout v2.x-deployment
sudo ./scripts/update.sh
Then refresh the update manager and it should be back to normal.
skyline131313OP•13mo ago
It seems to be on that branch/tag with no differences from the one online Already on 'v2.x-deployment' Your branch is up to date with 'origin/v2.x-deployment'.
miklschmidt•13mo ago
Hmm What does git status say?
skyline131313OP•13mo ago
On branch v2.x-deployment Your branch is up to date with 'origin/v2.x-deployment'. nothing to commit, working tree clean
miklschmidt•13mo ago
Strange.. very strange. Try and refresh the update manager and see if it doesn't solve itself, doesn't seem to be anything actually wrong. Would help if you could post your moonraker.log Then i can see what it thinks is wrong.
skyline131313OP•13mo ago
Looks like the git commands are failing
skyline131313OP•13mo ago
error: cannot lock ref 'refs/remotes/origin/development': unable to resolve reference 'refs/remotes/origin/development': reference broken From https:// github.com/Rat-OS/RatOS-configurator ! [new branch] development -> origin/development (unable to update local ref) running the "fetch origin --prune --progress" command
miklschmidt•13mo ago
This looks like a dying sd card Try running git -C /home/pi/ratos-configurator fetch origin --prune --progress and see what that says
skyline131313OP•13mo ago
that was the error from that command it's been like this from day 1 and I ran an integrity test before using it
miklschmidt•13mo ago
Ah gotcha, then yes, definitely corrupted sd card / data. Well, apparently something corrupted it from day 1 then It's not corrupted in the image. Although i guess that depends, are you running an old alpha or development image by any chance?
skyline131313OP•13mo ago
I don't think so, I installed it last year in june I made sure to grab the offical one
miklschmidt•13mo ago
Yep then there's not much else i can say. You can do a hard reset (but make sure moonraker is up to date first) and then run ~/ratos-configurator/scripts/update.sh and then it should stop complaining. But if it's an SD card corruption issue, it's likely it'll happen again and possibly to something else. I guess by then you'll know if you should swap to a new card 🙂

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