I don't see it anywhere but does ratos support rasberry pi 5?

I just purchased a 5
not supported atm
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5 Replies
Helge Keck
Helge Keck5mo ago
not supported atm
DJDupidOP5mo ago
Awe man. When I flashed 2.1 last time for my chonk I saw pi 5 in the list so I ordered one. Curious what goes into adding a pi5 or lets say a Btt Eddy sensor to ratos. I know you guys do this on your free time but its nice having the latest and greatest in a high end build. Also I am finishing up my Chonk build as well and a beacon probe is expensive for that printer. An Eddy probe would be perfect. I am not great with firmware so completing this task would be dificult without you guys.
pi5 work was detailed in #ratos-development - TL;DR is that it requires a new OS, so mainsail would have to support it, and the wifi would have to be changed. Both of which are a lot of work
DJDupidOP5mo ago
Ok I will return the pi 5. I am always curious how things work. From reading the pi I thought it was just processing power that changed and didn't know how much is involved when adding new products to ratos. I mostly hang out in the self sourcing area and just finishing up a VC4 and a CHONK.
yeah, a lot of the info can be found by searching, but unfortunately not many people use that functionality of discord

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