Access to configurator RatOS
Looking to access the configurator page..
Here is my current printer.cgf file:
20 Replies
To acces the new configurator, you need to update to the 2.1 version, you are currently on 2.0
So i updated the RatOS but it only upgraded to version v2.0.2-36..
Is this a complete OS re-install to 2.1?
I think so
We can get it to work even in your version
I remember that it worked via includes in the printer.cfg, that is why I asked for it
I am checking it now and will let you know
Good stuff! thank you!
So your steppers are not cooled, correct? No fan blowing on them?
Can you please go to RatOS/ extruders / and post the orbiter.cfg?
It's weird that it has the run corrent set so low
you want the orbiter.cfg or the orbiter-2.cfg?
Here is the orbiter.cfg:
To override settings from this file, you can copy and paste the relevant
sections into your printer.cfg and change it there.
Configurator Metadata
"type": "extruder",
"title": "Orbiter 1.0"
rotation_distance: 4.63
full_steps_per_rotation: 200
filament_diameter: 1.750
max_extrude_only_velocity: 60
retract_speed: 60
unretract_extra_length: 0
unretract_speed: 60
[tmc2209 extruder]
run_current: 0.35
stealthchop_threshold: 0
The printer.cfg does not mention the orbiter2.cfg, which is weird
and the orbiter-2.cfg:
To override settings from this file, you can copy and paste the relevant
sections into your printer.cfg and change it there.
Configurator Metadata
"type": "extruder",
"title": "Orbiter 2"
[include orbiter.cfg]
For LDO-36STH20-1004AHG motor
[include ../steppers/ldo/36sth20-1004ahg/24v-0.7a-e.cfg]
sorry for the formatting..
no problem, I found the issue
Go into printer.cfg, search for the extruder part and replace [include RatOS/extruders/orbiter.cfg] with [include RatOS/extruders/orbiter-2.cfg]
Also delete
[tmc2209 extruder]
run_current: 0.55
That is no longer needed since the orbiter 2 config sets the current to 0.7
So im replacing [include RatOS/extruders/orbiter.cfg] with [include RatOS/extruders/orbiter.cfg] with [include RatOS/extruders/orbiter-2.cfg]
Yes and deleting the part with run current you added between the extruder and hotend part
done. and if I want access to configurator, I'll need to upgrade to 2.1 ..I assume a github page for the files?
Awesome, now you should not encounter the issue you had before as the current for the extruder is now higher
For 2.1, there is the new documentation available which also has the relevant links
Installing RatOS | RatOS
This is preliminary documentation for the upcoming v2.1.0 release. The work is still ongoing and the documentation is not yet complete.
Awsome! well thank you very much DubMonsta!
No problem