bl touch not getting consistent measurements since updating to ratos v2
Yesterday i upgraded from ratos v1 to v2 (i know, i wasnt even aware that it was a thing lol). Now my bl touch seems to have lost accuracy/repeatability. I havent touched the hardware at all (other that literally taking the SD card out the raspberry pi during installation) but now when i go to z-tilt it can never get within 0.04mm, it makes its adjustments then gets roughly the same tolerance. Tries it 10 times and doesnt get closer than that. I didd a PROBE_ACCURACY command and my BL touch is drifting what seems to be a fairly consistent amount each time. Never had issues with the repeatability before, worked fine yesterday before the ratos update. Not sure what issue is causing it. My printer.cfg is basically standard template with just the relevant things commented or uncommented out. Is it a BL touch issue or a stepper driver issue on the z axis?
Attached printer.cfg and a screenshot of the console doing the probe_accuracy test. Thank you for your help.
1 Reply
complex-tealOP•2y ago
Ive tried it with the uncooled stepper motors options in printer.cfg as well just in case it was something an issue with that and exact same issue on the probe_accuracy. bl touch drifts by about 0.01 every time its probed.
Just thinking out loud to try and eliminate possible reasons. Have the stepper motors ever changed? I got my kit on launch, does the configs for ratosv2 still use the same as v1?
Ok so I found the problem and solution. In case anybody finds this by search the issue was indeed hardware not software, just coincidence on the timing. My rear z screw needed tightening slightly into the coupler at the bottom. I tightened them all and that one could give an extra quarter turn and now the probe accuracy is what it should be.