Input shaper results

Is anyone able to help me with this ? I can't understand how to use input shaper to help tune the belt tension and also this graph is ..... I have an ender 5 where the graph looks normal ( nice peaks etc) but for god sake I can't figure this one out
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7 Replies
vicious-goldOP3y ago
This is how is the adxl mounted
Bameron3y ago
is your printer on a wobbly table?
vicious-goldOP3y ago
no, it is on the floor...
elco3y ago
1e3 is much too low. Your ADXL is not picking up the vibrations because it is loose or something is severely overdampened, like friction on an idler preventing the motions to even reach the toolhead
vicious-goldOP3y ago
thanks @elcoj, I had two ball bearings missing from the x cariage, I will try and relocate the adxl, can I pm you once I get the new results? the next few days I hope and what do you mean by overdampened? I searched online for what it means but no luck
elco3y ago
Friction Analogy: you can't vibrate a guitar string if you have a bit of cotton underneath it somewhere that absorbs the vibrations Could be an idler or the belt rubbing somewhere, not rotating freely Or the motor action is not even reaching the toolhead because of a lot of friction
vicious-goldOP3y ago
🙏 thanks!

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