Part Fan works in dashboard but not during prints

If I try my part fan with the slider on the dashbaord it works fine I see the RPM's and the fan turns. During prints it will go to 80% (which I configured) and the fan icon is turning but the RPM is red with 0 ROM and the fan is off. If i try to change speed nothing happens it will show the new speed but RPM is red and fan ramains off.
33 Replies
SynapsisOP11mo ago
After the update now as soon as i turn on the printer the fan starts and i can not control it in any way.
That has nothing to do with an update. Those fans do that automatically when they lose the pwm signal as a safety precaution. Check your wiring
SynapsisOP11mo ago
Your right there isn't the update only a coincidence. First controlled the wiring and all is ok so I tried switching my controller fan to the part fan port to see if the port is working and it. I can control it different speeds etc. from the dashboard. So I tried the part fan on the controller port and as soon as I connect it it start turning. So I tried connecting only the positive and negative to see what happens and as soon as I connect it , it turns. also noticed when I did the dashbord rpm for the part fan would show a reading og 56 -70 rpm which should be impossible. The problem is the fan which I just bought 3 months back when I upgraded to the to the RAT RIG V-CORE TOOLHEAD V1.0 beta 2. so the fan comes from them. How a fan can get screwed and short so that its always on have no idea. Ordered a new fan on amazon to test too see it thats the problem.
TheTik11mo ago
It's a PWM fan. If it doesn't get any pwm signal it defaults to full on
SynapsisOP11mo ago
OK UPDATE... I bought a new fan thinking that was the problem but it isn't the new fan behaves just as the other one from Rat Rig. I have tested a Noctua NF-12 PWM and a Artic F8 PWM both when i connect do not turn, staed the other 2 4028 fans will start to turn as soon as power comes on. They are turning a thelowest speed.. No I know some PWM fans will not turn off when sent to 0 and wi still turn a lowest speed. What is strange is that when I connected this fan I had a post "" where It was working. But after an update something changed and now its not working for 2 fans while another 2 do. Could it b something connected to the state of the Pins on start up are maybe cycle time?
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TheTik11mo ago
Share your printer.cfg
SynapsisOP11mo ago
I 'm still test different things but to no luck.
TheTik11mo ago
I don't think it'll affect the fans, but you have two extruders uncommented
SynapsisOP11mo ago
Another update tried connecting to the EBB42 directly a 4028 24v which I had. It works and can contol speed even If i do not see the RPM as it is not a PWM. What is strange is that all i did was change the PIN fron the Manta to the EBB42. and the fan on tha Manta is turning. Which lines? I have the extruder in the overide.
TheTik11mo ago
lines 134/135
SynapsisOP11mo ago
Ok was not sure which one for the Orbiter but shouldn't i need one?
TheTik11mo ago
one yes
SynapsisOP11mo ago
which one?
TheTik11mo ago
whiechever you have you'll have to look at the motor, maybe the docs/package it came in
SynapsisOP11mo ago
I have a LDO-36STH20-1004AHG(OBT) So it should be the 1004 ONE?
TheTik11mo ago
SynapsisOP11mo ago
OK done Now questione shold the manta be supply power to the fan onr the fan port on start up. Its a thought it have some power alway.
TheTik11mo ago
Not sure I understand your question, but the fans should be wired only to the fan ports according to what I'm seeing here
SynapsisOP11mo ago
That is how I have it wiredjust like in tehe image, problem is the part fan is alwys on Even when sent to 0. It turn skower but it still turns. This with only the two 4028 fans. I tried to a Noctu and Artic and when I discconect the 4028 (which is turing) and connect the Artic or Noctua the fan is off and is not turning until I use the slider.
TheTik11mo ago
So the artic and noctua work correctly?
SynapsisOP11mo ago
YEs here is video.
SynapsisOP11mo ago
SynapsisOP11mo ago
Now if i use the slider it will turn on and start running
TheTik11mo ago
So the port is working correctly. I bet the wires on the non-working fan are switched around or something
SynapsisOP11mo ago
The fan Is the one I bought ont the Rat Rig site when I configured my EVA 3 beta2 So unless they are selling bad fans it is correct, also the second fan 4028 I bought new does the same thing.
you should be able to use line 162 or 163 instead of your custom lines 303-313.
SynapsisOP11mo ago
ill try thanks
SynapsisOP11mo ago
Ok I tried "[include RatOS/4pin-fans/part-cooling-fan-100hz.cfg]" or the 25hz now what happens is that the fn connected to the board is not controlled. as soon as I used the slider the fan connecte to the toolhead started working. It would seem that if you have a toolboard the settings for the "4p_controller_board_pin" always point to the toolhead. Thats what we had discovered when trying ito get it to work the first time. see post "". Also as soon as i power on the printer the fan starts turning even before it shows the logo on the touchscreen Which is strange as like I said it didn't do that before.
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SynapsisOP11mo ago
Also the fan connected to the EBB42 is a 24v fan but in the GUI its says RPM 0 in red. It has no PWM control.
TheTik11mo ago
What does it being 24V have to do with the gui showing rpm 0?
SynapsisOP11mo ago
Just meant a 24v non PWM as I said at the end., because the ebb42 does not have a 4 pin fan connector, but the GUI thinks it does. Would seem to me there is a mix up somewhere seeing if I leave the default include it controls the EBB42 pin and not the Manta pin.
Are you sure you 4028 isn't broken? We had it working at the end of your old post
SynapsisOP11mo ago
Yes I'm sure also because I bought a new one and it does the same thing. This started after the last updates. And also it is strange that if I use the include for the 4 pin fan on the board it controls the toolboard fan when I use the slider.. It will go slower and faster but with out the RPM seeing it is not a PWM fan. Also before when i turned on the printer the fan was always off now it starts turning even before the system is loaded. I have the Manta M8P.

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