Underextrusion New Printer

I have a 500 with orbiter V2, mosquito magnum. I followed the guide for the firmware configurations and on first print, it is severely underextruding. Manually toggling extrude seems fine. I want to make sure I have everything configured correctly before I go brute forcing things in tuning. an update: increasing the flow in slicer is not making much difference, but the extruder motor is extremely hot only a few minutes into printing a test cube. Also E-steps seem to be about right.
8 Replies
sherbs2y ago
Could be a mismatch between absolute & relative extrusion
rngilliganOP2y ago
in the slicer it is disabled. The parameter in the firmware is set to false. I tried setting it to true and when I saved, it threw an error, so I changed it back to false.
stormy-gold2y ago
RatOS or Duet?
rngilliganOP2y ago
I am using RatOS
stormy-gold2y ago
Did you include the correct Orbiter extruder in the printer.cfg?
rngilliganOP2y ago
I used the one with _1004 at the end of it. I have an orbiter 2.0
stormy-gold2y ago
Correct nozzle diameter set everywhere? ^^
rngilliganOP2y ago
yes 0.4 Problem was slicer had 2.85 mm filament set by default.

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