Option 'aliases' in section 'board_pins fysetc_spider_tmc2209' must have 2 elements
I'm getting an "unable to read tmc uart stepper_z register ifcnt" on movement after messing with my board (Fysetc Spider).
First assumption: dead driver. Swap out the driver, no luck. Swap again, no luck.
Second assumption: dead motor port. Swap board definition for z0 to use E1 motor socket instead of E4. Result= "Option 'aliases' in section 'board_pins fysetc_spider_tmc2209' must have 2 elements "
Third assumption: pin definition used twice/missing commas. Triple confirmed that commas are correct, confirmed that pin definitions are not used in multiple locations. (pictured, original definitions on the include line)
Fourth assumption: Ratos does something under the hood with the pin definitions.
I'd appreciate any help in diagnosing this pin definition problem, or any info relating to the underlying problem.
I'd appreciate any help in diagnosing this pin definition problem, or any info relating to the underlying problem.
17 Replies
Are you using ratos 2.0?
Yeah, custom header for the spider board.
I'm also using 2208s, but it was working just fine before.
Custom header?
Uhh, pin definition. I don't know why I said header.
ok. What's the reason you have your own pin definition instead of using the ratos 2.0 one?
The pins are slightly different
I have the 2.2, and the definition is for 1.1
Gotcha. Well as long as you define the aliases correct it should just work. Can you upload your pins file?
They're at the top of the config file. I commented out the include for the ratos board definition since my first screenshot.
It's a long shot, but remove the comment
# V2.2
from line 20No luck, and as soon as I swap out the definition for the one that is commented out (original), it boots just fine.
I changed the name to ....._2208 as well
I'm on mobile so I can't diff the two easily right now. But that's what I would do just to double check what is different
It's very minimal. I just move the "#" up or down a line. I also tried swapping their order and removing the unused one.
Found it.
should be z0_diag_pin=null
Line 25Even when you typed it out, I read it 15 times before seeing what happened.
Trying it out now!
Ah, I think something is much more wrong here. "Unable to read tmc uart 'stepper_z' register IFCNT" on all motors. RIP. Thanks for your help though.
Yeah, can't help you there. But at least it's not a config typo anymore? 😅
That's an improvement :)