RatOs upgrade to v2.x mainsail issue
My Setup:
BTT octopus 1.1
I’m trying to upgrade the RatOS to the latest state.
- I’m starting from version 1.1 see snapshot of the update manager
- I’m writing a new 16GB card with balende etcher for Ratos 2.x (I’ve the same end result with other SD cards that I’ve tried)
- When I go through the configuration process I can see that klipper and moonraker are online/green.
- When I go to the controlboard, I get the message to flash the new firmware
- I tried both options, manual and automatically, and they are both successful
- But after this step and when I need to go to the mainsail configuration, I only get the the message ‘initializing’ with a running progress bar (I’ ve left this for a couple of hours) with out ability to start the configuration.
- When I go back to Ratos.local/configurator I do notice that klipper is red/offline and this happens , I guess after I go to the mainsail part
Any one any idea how to solve this? I would appreciate any feedback
Ps:I’ve tried both releases of version 2.x
And now I’m back using version 1 for the time being.

19 Replies
Do you have 2 pi's using the same hostname?
Also, in Mainsail try ctrl + shift + r (force reload, ie, ignore cache)
And i just noticed it looks like you're on an iPad, in that case, try private browsing after flashing 2.0.
Pretty sure this is just a browser caching issue.
No I only have 1 pi. De snapshots are taken from 2 different systems. I’ll check out on Saturday what the outcome is of the forced reload action
@miklschmidt thank for the suggestions but this didn’t work out for me. I’ve tried this one more with 2 different sd cards and 2 pc’s to login remote on the RPi, everytime i see that the klipper bulb is changing from green(fresh burned Sd card) to red after checking the Octopus firmware.
Perhaps I did overlook something but I don’t have an idea. Any tips are welcome 😇
thank for the suggestions but this didn’t work out for me. I’ve tried this one more with 2 different sd cards and 2 pc’s to login remote on the RPi, everytime i see that the klipper bulb is changing from green(fresh burned Sd card) to red after checking the Octopus firmware.It's supposed to restart klipper here. However, I have seen a situtation where the version checking was done before klipper had compiled some internal files and then it wouldn't work afterwards. (if you already had a flashed octopus for example). One thing you can try is wait 5-10 minutes after connecting to wifi before you go through the board flashing process. You can also try to recover from your current situation by running this: Then it should come back up. I don't think that's the reason you're getting a loading screen in mainsail though, but it's worth a shot.
Thanks. I’l give it a try later this week
@miklschmidt i’ve tried your suggestions but I can’t get klipper in an online state after setting up the wifi connection. Even if I try to remote SSH restart klipper. I’ve tried it also with the latest beta
post your klippy.log from /home/pi/printer_data/logs/klippy.log
@miklschmidt herby the logs

From those klipper seems to be working fine this morning.
But please upload the entire file, the majority of those screenshots is just configuration.
@miklschmidt herby the requested log
according to your log, everything is running fine. Is the infinite loading mainsail screen still your issue? At this point I think it's a browser issue.
Correct. I’ve used firefox & safari, both with or without private mode, I can’t get out if this loading mode. I do see that the header is showing “ERROR” on the tabs
All on your tablet? Do you have a PC you can try? A phone?
I’ve tried this on my MAC osx, a win10 PC and tablet with the same odd result.
That is very strange. I have never heard of this problem before, it seems to be mainsail related, but just for you.. for some reason.
Can you try: http://my.mainsail.xyz/ and then add your printers local address there?
Mainsail is the popular web interface for Klipper.
Alternatively http://app.fluidd.xyz/#/
The Klipper web interface for managing your 3d printer
It needs a password of which I can't find. Thank you alredy for the support Mikl. I'm going to wait 1 or 2 iterations of version 2,x before taking another attemp.
Just a question @miklschmidt . If upgrading from v1.2 to 2.0.2. Should I disconnect all wires except power + usb. Put in a formatted sd card, when I click on flash BTT card automatically? As i assume that I can just leave in all wires etc and just pres auto flash over flash manual.
Your board is already flashed so you can jut skip the configurator part after the wifi
And yeah you can also just auto flash it, although it shouldn't be necessary if it's up to date
Okay. Thank you. Then I’ll try that one later this week. As the system keeps giving me errors when trying to go to mainsail in Step 3
That’s not working as it should be. I received an error message that the board was stil in the dfu mode. But if I did a refresh I could continue to step 3