Belt tension graphs degraded

Removed my belts off the printer to trim them to exact same length and the reinstealled them and my previously wonderful tension graphs have turned to rubbish. Have not been able to track down the culprit yet. Driving me nuts. Whats a list of what I should be looking for?
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MFBSOP8mo ago
Everything seems nice and tight. Didn't make any other changes when I did this so not sure what has changed. But no amount of tuning the tensioning gets rid of the the issue with the Blue (right hand side belt). Checklist case I am missing anything? Begining to suspect belts may have taken up 'set' previously and now reinstalling them and perhaps swapping them around in the process has meant that the previous 'set' is now stopping me achieving a good result. Removed blue belt and reinstalled it on the other side but the other way around. No difference in characterics of the issue. Seems part of the problem was that I did not fully tighten the 5 mm bolts of the bearing stacks in the XY joiners and the spacers were vibrating. After tightening these results improved a bit, but still not as good as I have achieved previously.

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