Very stange Bed Mesh ....
Dear all,
I got some really strange Bed mesh ,,, both on the bare aluminium plate and also with PEI applied. looks like a trench which is a bit falling towards the rear.
already re-tightend the MGN12 X-rail .... in the end always the same. Any idea what could be wrong with my gantry? Overall its 0.166mm on a Vcore 400

2 Replies
If you take a straight edge to the bed and shine a light behind it, can you see any light where the mesh is telling you have a dip? If not, it might be the gantry. You could also verify this by rotating the bed but that might not be possible depending on your wiring
@blacksmithforlife good idea .... backlighted a metal ruler ... seems to be the gantry 😦
hmmm, maybe I'm trying to shim the rail in that area