Strange oozing

What might be a reason for this oozing? Model printed with "external perimeters first" (PrusaSlicer). And it seems this does not happen of first layer. PLA 200, PA 0.045, EM 0.95
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7 Replies
that doesn't look like oozing, that looks like some of the lines not sticking to the model
wise-whiteOP2y ago
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wise-whiteOP2y ago
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wise-whiteOP2y ago
Maybe you are right. So, it is bad layer adhesion? I'm printing too fast?
looks like you are printing to fast for the outer layers to me. You could also try hotter and see if it sticks better. I normally do PLA at 210 during the warm months and 215 during the cold months
wise-whiteOP2y ago
Those perimeters were ~ 100 mm/s
extended-salmon2y ago
Do you use outer perimiter first? That might cause this. Inner perimiter first should solve that most of the time

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