Mysterious Peak

Hi Guys, i have a question, did i messed up when putting the Magnetic Layer on the Aluminium Bed, i got a Peak in the Middle Left part of the Bed (First one at 25-30°C, Second one at 85°C). Any ideas i could try?
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12 Replies
archen5mo ago
Check for debris between the magnetic sheet and your buildplate Could be just a small piece of scrap If it's a defect in the magnetic sheet it's probably harder to fix
Tom Turbo
Tom TurboOP5mo ago
there is nothign between the magnetic sheet and the build plate but i remember after some thinking i crashed the bed in the commissioning (because I didn't read it through carefully enough), build plate has some light scratches but nothing i would be worried about
archen5mo ago
That's unlikely it caused the bulb 100% sure you didn't trapped some air or dirt during the process of applying the magnetic sheet?
Tom Turbo
Tom TurboOP5mo ago
it did not install is as good as i wanted but wiped the bed the bed with IPA before, also was wearing Gloves to not get any dirt or grime on there while installing it i have a small spot that bulges a tiny bit but thats centered to the front, don't see anything in the graph
Tom Turbo
Tom TurboOP5mo ago
just wondering, is it possible that X and Y are swapped on the mesh?
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Tom Turbo
Tom TurboOP5mo ago
also have a problem where my Z Offset is not saved from print to print, saved config but still 0.038 instead of -0.060, i think that is not something tied to this problem but perhaps there is something that contributes .-.
archen5mo ago
Update Ratos. It looks a bit strange... What happen to the magnetic sheet in the first picture?
Tom Turbo
Tom TurboOP5mo ago
started with 2.1.0 RC3-6 the last days, today's morning upgraded to RC3-8 without any change either i wait until it gets out of RC status or Nuke everything i have on the printer and start with a new Config it is quiet frustrating :/
Tom Turbo
Tom TurboOP5mo ago
@riksarchen i thought i ask before i do something stupid, guess what i took my smallest drill bit (Ø1mm), drilled throught the Magnetic Mat and there was a loooooot of trapped Air, massaged it to the Drill Hole
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Tom Turbo
Tom TurboOP5mo ago
2 things i leaned, X is Y and Y is X in this Graph some times the weird stuff works out thanks for your time mate :3
archen5mo ago
Nice 🙏 It's easy to trap some air that can't escape. Glad it worked out 👊
Tom Turbo
Tom TurboOP5mo ago
never thought that little turd could be trapped air, thanks a lot for the info i tcould be trapped air :b hope that solves the issue with the Z Offset tho ^^°

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