Z not homing properly/ Beacon issue

Some starting data, VCore 4 500 Idex RatOS 2.1 RC3 Beacon probe on Tool0 I have followed the Commissioning Guide without issue until the "Home Sequence" Section https://docs.ratrig.com/v-core-4-0/commissioning-guide When I run the BEACON_INITIAL_CALIBRATION X and Y would home but then it would say " no Beacon model loaded" G28 same issue. pretty much ANY Z home command would send that message OR Just drive Z to the top and not stop requiring an emergency stop when it maxed out. ( thankfully it would never move tool0 to the bed so it was not impacting the tool) I fought with this for a day reading all of the help I could find on the guides and here. Finally after playing around and following https://docs.beacon3d.com/quickstart/ I was able to get it to trigger and now I have the "default" model loaded in my printer.cfg and no longer get the error>> BUT #### Issue Starts here#### now when i try and run BEACON_INITIAL_CALIBRATION I no longer get the "No Beacon Model Loaded" error but after X and Y home tool 0 is not moving out to the bed STILL so Z just drives to the top and maxes out requiring a emergency stop.
The only changes I have made are the ones expressly directed in the commissioning guide + doing the BEACON_CALIBRATE > SAVE_CONFIG to create the Default Beacon model. I have gone back through the guide several time and doublechecked all the code it instructed me to enter. Help ><
Ok I feel stupid, I am deleting the rest of my messages and putting the answer here. In thing video you can see the tool0 start to move then hear stepper wine.. The Silicone pad was to tight and the motor current is so low for that homing travel move that it was getting stuck 🤦🤦🤦 any other move must be at a higher current cause homing is the ONLY issue. I only adjusted it a tiny amount and it works fine now. 🤦🤦
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3 Replies
Shawn J
Shawn J•5d ago
Ok I feel stupid, I am deleting the rest of my messages and putting the answer here. In thing video you can see the tool0 start to move then hear stepper wine.. The Silicone pad was to tight and the motor current is so low for that homing travel move that it was getting stuck 🤦🤦🤦 any other move must be at a higher current cause homing is the ONLY issue. I only adjusted it a tiny amount and it works fine now. 🤦🤦
Wetson•4d ago
LOL glad you got it figured out
Shawn J
Shawn JOP•4d ago
Yeah I felt really dumb when I figured out what it was 🤣🤣🤣

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