MacOS Unable to open [RatOS|IP].localconfiguration
I’m able to connect to the RatOS hotspot, but I am not able to open the configuration page using the host or IP address.
22 Replies
What browser are you using?
rival-blackOP•3y ago
@blacksmithforlife Safari
try a different browser, safari doesn't respect many web standards
rival-blackOP•3y ago
I tried it on Edge and Firefox. I can’t access it. Either the RatOS host or the IP address it does not work.
“Can’t reach the page”
You first connected your phone or computer to the ratos hotspot(instead of connecting to your normal WIFI) and then tried in your web browser?
rival-blackOP•3y ago
I got it working by manually editing the wpa file.
I’m not sure why it is not mentioned in the docs
it's not mentioned because you shouldn't really need to. Is your router using a non standard IP address range or something?
rival-blackOP•3y ago
I’m not sure. The router was provided by my internet provider, it’s using the usual 192.x.x.x
@miklschmidt I know you did a lot of the WPA file. Any ideas?
rival-blackOP•3y ago
I tried on iPhone also, it does not work. Maybe apple specific issue?
what did you change in the WPA file?
rival-blackOP•3y ago
I just manually added my SSID and password
So you never got to the configurator?
rival-blackOP•3y ago
No, until I manually edited the WPA file to enter my WiFi credentials.
After I did that, I'm able to access
, but it is asking me to configure WiFi again on the Web configuratorsounds like you weren't actually connected to the ratos hotspot
in v1 that's all it does - configure your wifi. in V2 it flashes your boards as well.
rival-blackOP•3y ago
I am connected to RatOS hotspot, because I can SSH into the Pi. I just can’t access the /configure page.
What is the IP address you are sshing into?
Is it
rival-blackOP•3y ago
Not IP but [email protected]
That (ratos.local) is often unreliable. When connected to the ratos hotspot you should use
Just a note to this, it should work substantially better in v2
But yeah, there's a reason why is mentioned in the guide
rival-blackOP•3y ago
Thanks for the nice work!
I can try the v2 pre-release on another SD card.