USB ADXL error

Get an error that it couldn't subscribe and that it got 0 vs E5 will upload config in a minute gotta get on computer
33 Replies
samus129OP10mo ago
RatOS config [include RatOS/boards/rpi/config.cfg] [board_pins btt-octopus-11] aliases: x_step_pin=PF13, x_dir_pin=PF12, x_enable_pin=PF14, x_uart_pin=PC4, x_diag_pin=PG6, x_endstop_pin=PG6, y_step_pin=PG0, y_dir_pin=PG1, y_enable_pin=PF15, y_uart_pin=PD11, y_diag_pin=PG9, y_endstop_pin=PG9, z0_step_pin=PC13, z0_dir_pin=PF0, z0_enable_pin=PF1, z0_uart_pin=PE4, z0_diag_pin=PG13, e_step_pin=PF11, e_dir_pin=PG3, e_enable_pin=PG5, e_uart_pin=PC6, e_diag_pin=PG10, e_heater_pin=PA2, e_sensor_pin=PF4, stepper_spi_mosi_pin=PA7, stepper_spi_miso_pin=PA6, stepper_spi_sclk_pin=PA5, adxl345_cs_pin=PA15, bltouch_sensor_pin=PB7, bltouch_control_pin=PB6, probe_pin=PB7, fan_part_cooling_pin=PA8, fan_toolhead_cooling_pin=PE5, fan_controller_board_pin=PD12, heater_bed_heating_pin=PA1, heater_bed_sensor_pin=PF3, 4p_fan_part_cooling_pin=null, 4p_fan_part_cooling_tach_pin=null, 4p_toolhead_cooling_pin=null, 4p_toolhead_cooling_tach_pin=null, 4p_controller_board_pin=null, 4p_controller_board_tach_pin=null [mcu] serial: /dev/RatOS/btt-octopus-11 [temperature_sensor Octopus_V1.1] sensor_type: temperature_mcu [adxl345 controlboard] cs_pin: PA15 spi_bus: spi3 [include RatOS/homing.cfg] [include RatOS/macros.cfg] [include RatOS/shell-macros.cfg] [include RatOS/printers/v-minion/v-minion.cfg] [include RatOS/printers/v-minion/macros.cfg] ADXL345 resonance testing configuration [include RatOS/sensors/rpi-adxl345.cfg] [resonance_tester] accel_chip_x: adxl345 controlboard accel_chip_y: adxl345 rpi probe_points: 90,90,20
TheTik10mo ago
That error strongly suggests a wiring error. Check your cables, cable order, and crimps
samus129OP10mo ago
Biqu Equipment
BIGTREETECH ADXL345/S2DW Accelerometer Board for Running Klipper
The S2DW V1.0/ADXL345 V2.0 is an accelerometer module that helps reduce vibrations and improve print quality in 3D printers. It can be easily connected via USB and attached to either the printer's nozzle or the Voron StealthBurner. Whether you are new to 3D printing or have experience, this module is a great addition to your setup. Simply instal...
TheTik10mo ago
Its hooked up via USB?
what command are you running? Are you specifying that ADXL in the command? wait, why did you split up your printer.cfg and ratos.cfg like that? you can't just reorder stuff
samus129OP10mo ago
That's how it's done in the 2.1 dev build As for the command it's the live residence viewer then you select from the drop down that asks if it's from board or host device
what command are you running? usually you have to do something like ACCELEROMETER_QUERY CHIP="toolboard"
samus129OP10mo ago
Maybe its built in macro? I dont know its button that says start is there a way I can see what command it is sending?
can you post a picture of what you mean? With 2.1 not being released yet I am not as familiar with it
samus129OP10mo ago
No description
samus129OP10mo ago
ya does that help
@miklschmidt I am guessing the configurator is assuming a toolboard ADXL here? ohh wait, you can select it right there. You are saying host that would a ADXL connected to your MCU. You probably want control board
samus129OP10mo ago
that one works fine its on my X access its the BTT ADXL V1 but on the Y is the USB V2
was it flashed with klipper?
samus129OP10mo ago
yes as a 2040
miklschmidt10mo ago
The analysis tool only works with what you can configure in the configurator Those usb ADXL's are not supported
samus129OP10mo ago
OH thank you Thank you for the heads up so this issue can me marked as solved once i figure out how
samus129OP9mo ago
@miklschmidt now its just a different error about the usbadxl unable to connect - stupid USB ADXL is a pain in the butt I should have just went EBB42 on the minion it would probably be easier
miklschmidt9mo ago
The serial did look very wrong, you prolly just need to correct that. I'm pretty sure it's not /dev/serial/by-id/usb-Klipper_rp2040_btt_octopus-11-if00 😅
samus129OP9mo ago
maybe i need to reflash the card and the redo the ADXL flash? thats really what it got named after i didnt set it and the screenshot is in the development chat
miklschmidt9mo ago
reflash the card? i don't know what you mean. You just need to find the correct serial, check ls -la /dev/serial/by-id/*, post the output here if in doubt.
samus129OP9mo ago Like this picture? Yes I'm going to reflash my card and then the ADXL
miklschmidt9mo ago
Yes, but do it again
Yes I'm going to reflash my card
I don't know what you mean by that? You just need to flash the USB adxl if it doesn't register.
samus129OP9mo ago
The card I used to flash the ADXL was the same one that I originally used to create the dfu boot image for my octopus board so I wonder if that's causing it to flash the ADXL with the name that matches
miklschmidt9mo ago
You use an SD card to flash the adxl? 🤨 The reason the octopus-11 is in there is because you didn't clear the usb serial id in the firmware configuration (you should very much do that or it will conflict with the octopus).
samus129OP9mo ago
Is there another way to do that without reflashing? My plan to try was going to be flash 2.1RC to SD card for pi then use ssh to flash the ADXL then flash 2.1RC to card for pi once more and then use the configuration build into RatOS for set up Sorry probably didn't explain it the best 😞 I have a hard time getting my thoughts to typed words SD card is in the pi sorry 😞
miklschmidt9mo ago
don't reflash that one, it works just fine Don't worry! Was just confused 😄
Is there another way to do that without reflashing?
No you have to reflash the USB ADXL to give it a different usb serial id.
My plan to try was going to be flash 2.1RC to SD card for pi
It doesn't have anything to do with your pi, it's just the klipper firmware configuration for the USB adxl. You can fix it in the menu presented when you run make menuconfig, go into USB ids and disable custom ids.
samus129OP9mo ago
Ok thank you I will try that after work tonight and I didn't remember the flash instructions from BTT saying anything about that so probably didn't even look for it
miklschmidt9mo ago
They wouldn't, because i don't think anyone else but RatOS uses that feature When you go into make menuconfig it'll have whatever settings RatOS used the last time it flashed a board So you have to clear everything you don't want (such as the USB id) alternatively delete the .config in the klipper directory first then you'll start from a blank slate
samus129OP9mo ago
reflased the ADXL and yep the name chahanged
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miklschmidt9mo ago
You've set the usbid to 12345 now, but that works 🙂 Use that serial
samus129OP9mo ago
Works now thank you so much for the help I also moved where I had it mounted to
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miklschmidt9mo ago
much better, 👍

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