How to evaluate my belt and resonance?(V-core3.1 300 Enclosure2.0)

Hello mates, What do you guys think of my belts and resonance?
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4 Replies
other-emerald2y ago
Get both belts to the same tension level.
conscious-sapphire2y ago
That's pretty low accelerations for a vc300. How smooth was your gantry movements without the belts during assembly? Lubed rails? Your printer shakes too much when moving Y. That green peak on Y axis graph is your printer shaking and registering vibrations on Z axis. Makes me think it moves not that smooth. But if your prints coming out fine, ignore everything I just said because I am judging by my experience and not an expert of any kind !
mute-goldOP2y ago
Lubricated guide, the printing effect is okay, it is possible that I did the shock absorbing layer below, the printer will have a little shaking when running the whole
mute-goldOP2y ago
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